KARDIO · Dept. I
23.06.2021Atrial fibrillation before and after patent foramen ovale closure study This is a prospective, multicenter, single-arm, observational study assessing the incidence, predictors and prognostic impact of AF occurring before (monitoring phase A) or af...
Klinische Forschung - 23.06.2021 - 23.06.2027
Projektleitung: Chronis Joannis
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schneider Irene, Vetsch Susanne
SWISS-AF Control Group
17.06.2021Contemporary findings from the ongoing Swiss-AF cohort study (2’415 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) enrolled, 1’760 patients with available brain imaging) showed that patients with AF have a high burden of cerebral infarcts and other brain les...
Klinische Forschung - 17.06.2021 - 17.06.2025
Projektleitung: Ammann Peter
Mitarbeiter/innen: Fink Karin
CardioOnco - Diagnosing Preclinical Cardiac Dysfunction in Adult Childhood Cancer Survivors ‒ The CardioOnco study
01.03.2021We aim to: 1. Assess preclinical cardiac dysfunction longitudinally using 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) conventional and 2D speckle tracking echocardiography. 2. Assess cardiopulmonary fitness using cardiopulmonary exercise testing. 3....
Klinische Forschung - 01.03.2021 - 31.12.2030
Projektleitung: Scheler Eva
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schneider Irene
CATCH - Cascade genetic testing of familial hypercholesterolemia: the CATCH multicenter randomized controlled trial
15.12.2020To test in a multicenter open-label randomized controlled trial across Switzerland whether a cascade screening programme for FH, in comparison with usual care, will increase the detection rate of FH within families. The primary outcome will be the...
Klinische Forschung - 15.12.2020 - 31.03.2024
Projektleitung: Rickli Hans
Mitarbeiter/innen: Vetsch Susanne, Schneider Irene
04.12.2020Incidence of Silent Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Clinically Silent Brain Ischemic Lesions Arterial Fibrillation (AF) is well-recognized as a cause for cryptogenic Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) and is associated with Silent Brain Infarction...
Klinische Forschung - 04.12.2020 - 04.12.2024
Projektleitung: Ammann Peter, Kägi Georg
Mitarbeiter/innen: Brenner Roman, Vetsch Susanne, Schneider Irene
01.10.2020The primary aim is to gather observational data from consecutive SCAD patients in Switzerland, in order to establish a National Swiss Registry (SwissSCAD). SCAD is a poorly understood condition, affecting young patients and is associated with major...
Klinische Forschung - 01.10.2020 - 31.12.2030
Projektleitung: Rickli Hans
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schneider Irene
XATOC – Xarelto + Acetylsalicylic Acid
14.07.2020Treatment patterns and Outcomes across the disease Continuum in patients with CAD and/or PAD The study aims to collect real-world data on treatment patterns and decision points for treatment in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) or sym...
Klinische Forschung - 14.07.2020 - 14.04.2023
Projektleitung: Rickli Hans
Mitarbeiter/innen: Fink Karin
Cruz HBR
13.07.2020Post-market registry to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the Supraflex Cruz™ sirolimus-eluting coronary stent system in the treatment of all-comer patients with coronary artery disease
Klinische Forschung - 13.07.2020 - 31.12.2022
Projektleitung: Weilenmann Daniel
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schneider Irene, Fink Karin
06.04.2020Health consequences of the Burden of atrial fibrillation The added information of measuring AF burden and measuring cardiac dimensions and function in an AF patient population where brain MRIs are available, could provide further evidence toward...
Klinische Forschung - 06.04.2020 - 06.04.2024
Projektleitung: Ammann Peter
Mitarbeiter/innen: Altmann David, Fink Karin
10.02.2020This study is a post-market clinical follow-up (PMCF) study to identify and evaluate residual risks associated with the use of the BIOMONITOR III that are discovered or remain even after risk analysis, risk mitigation and successful conformity assess...
Klinische Forschung - 10.02.2020 - 21.01.2022
Projektleitung: Ammann Peter
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schneider Irene
21.01.2020Multicenter, randomized, active comparator-controlled, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel group, dose-finding Phase 2 study to compare the safety of the oral FXIa inhibitor BAY 2433334 to apixaban in patients with atrial fibrillation Primary Safet...
Klinische Forschung - 21.01.2020 - 07.12.2021
Projektleitung: Rickli Hans
Mitarbeiter/innen: Fink Karin, Vetsch Susanne
XATOA – Xarelto + Acetylsalicylic Acid: Treatment
19.11.2019The study aims to collect real-world data on treatment patterns and decision points for treatment in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) or symptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD) treated with rivaroxaban 2.5 mg[BID] for the prevention of...
Klinische Forschung - 19.11.2019 - 21.12.2021
Projektleitung: Rickli Hans
Mitarbeiter/innen: Fink Karin
AEGIS II_CSL112_3001
07.08.2019A Phase 3, Multicenter, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of CSL112 in Subjects with Acute Coronary Syndrome
Klinische Forschung - 07.08.2019 - 30.08.2020
Projektleitung: Rickli Hans
Mitarbeiter/innen: Vetsch Susanne
08.04.2019Prospektive nicht-interventionelle Studie zur optimierten Behandlung einer therapierefraktären Hypercholesterinämie bei Patienten mit heterozygoter familiärer Hypercholesterinämie oder klinisch manifester atherosklerotischer kardiovaskulärer Erkranku...
Klinische Forschung - 08.04.2019 - 15.01.2021
Projektleitung: Rickli Hans
Mitarbeiter/innen: Gemperle Michaela
Flex Nav
22.03.2019This CE Mark study is a prospective, multi-center, single-arm investigational study to support commercialization of the FlexNav™ Delivery System and Loading System in Europe. The design of this clinical investigation is in compliance to ISO standards...
Klinische Forschung - 22.03.2019 - 30.03.2021
Projektleitung: Haager Philipp
Mitarbeiter/innen: Vetsch Susanne
DPF Coro - Entwicklung einer diagnostischen Probabilitätsfunktion (DPF) bei Patienten mit rezidivierenden Thoraxschmerzen zur Schätzung der Wahrscheinlichkeit einer relevanten koronaren Herzkrankheit
01.02.2019Ziele: Aus den klinischen Daten (Anamnese, körperliche Untersuchung und einem der Ischämietests [Ergometrie, Stress-Echo, Stress MRI) wird mit einer logistischen Regression eine Wahrscheinlichkeits-funktion abgeleitet. Als Referenzuntersuchung gelten...
Klinische Forschung - 01.02.2019 - 31.03.2022
Projektleitung: Rickli Hans
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schneider Irene
20.01.2019Titel: instantaneous wave-free ratio guided Multivessel revascularizatiOn During percutaneous coronary intervEntion for acute myocaRdial iNfarction Objective: To compare an iFR-guided intervention of noninfarct lesions during the acute interventi...
Klinische Forschung - 20.01.2019 - 31.12.2024
Projektleitung: Rigger Johannes
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schneider Irene
BIOSOLVE IV - Safety and Performance in de Novo Lesions of Native Coronary Arteries with Magmaris
01.11.2018The aim of the BIOSOLVE - IV Swiss Satellite Registry is to investigate the clinical performance and long-term safety of Magmaris in a real world setting and extend clinical practice using the technology in a monitored nationwide registry. Primary En...
Klinische Forschung - 01.11.2018 - 31.03.2022
Projektleitung: Jörg Lucas
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schneider Irene
Takotsubo - Clinical Characteristics of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
01.04.2018Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, or broken heart syndrome, is a recently described acquired form of cardiomyopathy whose pathophysiology is not well understood and particularly affects postmenopausal women. The exact mechanism is still unclear and large p...
Klinische Forschung - 01.04.2018 - 31.12.2030
Projektleitung: Jörg Lucas
Mitarbeiter/innen: Fink Karin, Schneider Irene
Dissecting the association of anti-microbiota antibodies and auto-reactive T-cells in cardiomyopathy– an exploratory research Project
25.01.2018Prospective research project in which biological material is sampled from humans and health-related personal data is collected (HFV Art 6). To generate further scientific evidence for a potential role of crossreactive antimicrobial T and B cell respo...
Klinische Forschung - 25.01.2018 - 25.08.2021
Projektleitung: Ludewig Burkhard
Mitarbeiter/innen: Maeder Micha, Vetsch Susanne