NL · Dept. III
Die Glykogenose Typ II
Hundsberger T, Erdelyi B, Hohl U, Rösler K. Die Glykogenose Typ II - Morbus Pompe. S C H W E I Z E R A R C H I V F Ü R N E U R O L O G I E U N D P S Y C H I A T R I E 2010; 161:55-59.
26.02.2010Die Glykogenose Typ II
26.02.2010S C H W E I Z E R A R C H I V F Ü R N E U R O L O G I E U N D P S Y C H I A T R I E 2010; 161:55-59
Hundsberger Thomas, Erdelyi Barbara, Hohl Ursula, Rösler Kai Michael
What is a minor stroke?
Fischer U, Baumgartner A, Arnold M, Nedeltchev K, Gralla J, De Marchis G, Kappeler L, Mono M, Brekenfeld C, Schroth G, Mattle H. What is a minor stroke?. Stroke 2010; 41:661-6.
25.02.2010What is a minor stroke?
25.02.2010Stroke 2010; 41:661-6
Fischer Urs, Baumgartner Adrian, Arnold Marcel, Nedeltchev Krassen, Gralla Jan, De Marchis Gian Marco, Kappeler Liliane, Mono Marie-Luise, Brekenfeld Caspar, Schroth Gerhard, Mattle Heinrich Paul
Intravenous thrombolysis in patients with stroke attributable to small artery occlusion
Fluri F, Mattle H, Tettenborn B, Nedeltchev K, Hungerbühler H, Sztajzel R, Baumgartner R, Michel P, Lyrer P, Reichhart M, Arnold M, Lüthy R, Hatz F, Rutgers M, Georgiadis D, Sekoranja L, Schwegler G, Sarikaya H, Weder B, Müller F, Engelter S. Intravenous thrombolysis in patients with stroke attributable to small artery occlusion. Eur J Neurol 2010; 17:1054-60.
03.02.2010Intravenous thrombolysis in patients with stroke attributable to small artery occlusion
03.02.2010Eur J Neurol 2010; 17:1054-60
Fluri F, Mattle H P, Tettenborn Barbara, Nedeltchev K, Hungerbühler H J, Sztajzel R, Baumgartner R W, Michel P, Lyrer P A, Reichhart M, Arnold M, Lüthy R, Hatz F, Rutgers M P, Georgiadis D, Sekoranja L, Schwegler G, Sarikaya H, Weder B, Müller F, Engelter S T
Niedergradige Gliome: Bösartige Erkrankung mit vielen Facetten
Hundsberger T, Tabatabai G. Niedergradige Gliome: Bösartige Erkrankung mit vielen Facetten. 2010
01.01.2010Niedergradige Gliome: Bösartige Erkrankung mit vielen Facetten
Hundsberger Thomas, Tabatabai Ghazaleh
Natalizumab Reduces Clinical and MRI Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients with High Disease Activity: Results from a Multicenter Study in Switzerland
Putzki N, Yaldizli O, Bühler R, Schwegler G, Curtius D, Tettenborn B. Natalizumab Reduces Clinical and MRI Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients with High Disease Activity: Results from a Multicenter Study in Switzerland. Eur Neurol 2010; 63:101-106.
01.01.2010Natalizumab Reduces Clinical and MRI Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients with High Disease Activity: Results from a Multicenter Study in Switzerland
01.01.2010Eur Neurol 2010; 63:101-106
Putzki Norman, Yaldizli Ozgür, Bühler Robert, Schwegler Guido, Curtius Daniela, Tettenborn Barbara
Paroxysmal paresis
Schmitz B, Tettenborn B, Schomer D. Paroxysmal paresis. In: The Paroxysmal Disorders. Cambridge University Press, 2009. S. 89-112.
01.01.2010Paroxysmal paresis
01.01.2010Cambridge University Press
Schmitz Bettina, Tettenborn Barbara, Schomer Donald L.
The Paroxysmal Disorders
Schmitz B, Tettenborn B, Schomer D. The Paroxysmal Disorders. Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN 9780511781780.
01.01.2010The Paroxysmal Disorders
01.01.2010Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9780511781780
Schmitz Bettina, Tettenborn Barbara, Schomer Donald L.
HIV und Neurogenese
Brugger F. HIV und Neurogenese - Die Interaktion von HIV mit den Waffen des angeborenen Immunsystems während der Differenzierung neuraler Stammzellen. 2009. ISBN 3838105885.
01.01.2010HIV und Neurogenese
01.01.2010, ISBN 3838105885
Brugger Florian
The role of DAT-SPECT in movement disorders
Kägi G, Bhatia K, Tolosa E. The role of DAT-SPECT in movement disorders. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 2010; 81:5-12.
01.01.2010The role of DAT-SPECT in movement disorders
01.01.2010Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 2010; 81:5-12
Kägi Georg, Bhatia K P, Tolosa E
Evaluation of the autonomic nervous system using the FAN device – range of normal and examples of abnormal
Hägele-Link S. Evaluation of the autonomic nervous system using the FAN device – range of normal and examples of abnormal. The open neurology Journal 2009; 2008:12-19.
31.12.2009Evaluation of the autonomic nervous system using the FAN device – range of normal and examples of abnormal
31.12.2009The open neurology Journal 2009; 2008:12-19
Hägele-Link Stefan
Imaging blood-brain barrier transporters in low-grade glioma patients with positron emission tomography, tyrosine and choline
Roelcke U, Bruehlmeier M, Hefti M, Hundsberger T. Imaging blood-brain barrier transporters in low-grade glioma patients with positron emission tomography, tyrosine and choline. Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 2009; 7:312-313.
15.12.2009Imaging blood-brain barrier transporters in low-grade glioma patients with positron emission tomography, tyrosine and choline
15.12.2009Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 2009; 7:312-313
Roelcke U, Bruehlmeier M, Hefti M, Hundsberger Thomas
No treatment is best
Hundsberger T (2009). No treatment is best - Round table Low grade gliomas: Pros and cons. Präsentiert bei: 183. Annual meeting of the Swiss Neurology Society (SNG), -
15.12.2009No treatment is best
15.12.2009183. Annual meeting of the Swiss Neurology Society (SNG)
Hundsberger Thomas
SWiss Atorvastatin and interferon Beta-1b trial In Multiple Sclerosis (SWABIMS)--rationale, design and methodology.
Kamm C, Mattle H, De Marchis G. SWiss Atorvastatin and interferon Beta-1b trial In Multiple Sclerosis (SWABIMS)--rationale, design and methodology. Trials 2009; 10:115.
14.12.2009SWiss Atorvastatin and interferon Beta-1b trial In Multiple Sclerosis (SWABIMS)--rationale, design and methodology.
14.12.2009Trials 2009; 10:115
Kamm Christian Philipp, Mattle Heinrich Paul, De Marchis Gian Marco
Intravenous thrombolysis in stroke attributable to cervical artery dissection
Tettenborn B, Arnold M, Nedeltchev K, Reichhart M, Mattle H, Hungerbühler H, Sztajzel R, Baumgartner R, Michel P, Lüthy R, Sarikaya H, Weder B, Engelter S, Rutgers M, Hatz F, Georgiadis D, Fluri F, Sekoranja L, Schwegler G, Müller F, Lyrer P. Intravenous thrombolysis in stroke attributable to cervical artery dissection. Stroke 2009; 40.2009:3772-6.
12.12.2009Intravenous thrombolysis in stroke attributable to cervical artery dissection
12.12.2009Stroke 2009; 40.2009:3772-6
Tettenborn Barbara, Arnold M, Nedeltchev K, Reichhart M, Mattle H P, Hungerbühler H-J, Sztajzel R, Baumgartner R W, Michel P, Lüthy R, Sarikaya H, Weder B, Engelter S T, Rutgers M P, Hatz F, Georgiadis D, Fluri F, Sekoranja L, Schwegler G, Müller F, Lyrer P A
Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDA-R) encephalitis with ovarial teratoma - case report
Siebel P, Flügel D, Kleger G. Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDA-R) encephalitis with ovarial teratoma - case report. Schweizerisch Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie 2009; 160:168-168.
24.10.2009Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDA-R) encephalitis with ovarial teratoma - case report
24.10.2009Schweizerisch Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie 2009; 160:168-168
Siebel Philip, Flügel Dominique, Kleger Gian-Reto
Abnormal sleep/wake-patterns in
Müller S, Bönig L, Von Manitius S, Weder B, Tettenborn B (2009). Abnormal sleep/wake-patterns in. Präsentiert bei: 173. Tagung der Schweizerischen Neurologischen Gesellschaft in Luzern, -
21.10.2009Abnormal sleep/wake-patterns in
21.10.2009173. Tagung der Schweizerischen Neurologischen Gesellschaft in Luzern
Müller Stefanie, Bönig L., Von Manitius Sigrid, Weder B., Tettenborn Barbara
Multiple sclerosis associated fatigue during natalizumab treatment
Putzki N, Yaldizli O, Tettenborn B, Diener H. Multiple sclerosis associated fatigue during natalizumab treatment. Journal of the neurological sciences 2009; 285:109-13.
15.10.2009Multiple sclerosis associated fatigue during natalizumab treatment
15.10.2009Journal of the neurological sciences 2009; 285:109-13
Putzki Norman, Yaldizli Ozgür, Tettenborn Barbara, Diener Hans Christoph
Intravenous thrombolysis in stroke attributable to cervical artery dissection
Engelter S, Nedeltchev K, Reichhart M, Mattle H, Tettenborn B, Hungerbühler H, Sztajzel R, Baumgartner R, Michel P, Arnold M, Lüthy R, Sarikaya H, Rutgers M, Hatz F, Georgiadis D, Fluri F, Sekoranja L, Schwegler G, Müller F, Weder B, Lyrer P. Intravenous thrombolysis in stroke attributable to cervical artery dissection. Stroke 2009; 40:3772-6.
15.10.2009Intravenous thrombolysis in stroke attributable to cervical artery dissection
15.10.2009Stroke 2009; 40:3772-6
Engelter Stefan T, Nedeltchev Krassen, Reichhart Marc, Mattle Heinrich P, Tettenborn Barbara, Hungerbühler Hansjörg J, Sztajzel Roman, Baumgartner Ralf W, Michel Patrik, Arnold Marcel, Lüthy Regina, Sarikaya Hakan, Rutgers Matthieu P, Hatz Florian, Georgiadis Dimitrios, Fluri Felix, Sekoranja Lucka, Schwegler Guido, Müller Felix, Weder Bruno, Lyrer Philippe A
[After lymph node biopsy. Pain and weakness in the right shoulder]
Yaldizli O, Tettenborn B. [After lymph node biopsy. Pain and weakness in the right shoulder]. MMW Fortschr Med 2009; 151:5.
24.09.2009[After lymph node biopsy. Pain and weakness in the right shoulder]
24.09.2009MMW Fortschr Med 2009; 151:5
Yaldizli Oezguer, Tettenborn Barbara
Parkinsonism due to cerebral toxoplasmosis in a HIV-patient
Brugger F, Poewe W (2009). Parkinsonism due to cerebral toxoplasmosis in a HIV-patient. Präsentiert bei: 13th Congress of European Federation of Neurological Societies, Florenz
14.09.2009Parkinsonism due to cerebral toxoplasmosis in a HIV-patient
14.09.200913th Congress of European Federation of Neurological Societies
Brugger Florian, Poewe Werner