URO · Dept. II
Latest insights into the pathophysiology of bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis.
Tornic J, Engeler D. Latest insights into the pathophysiology of bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis. Curr Opin Urol 2023
21.12.2023Latest insights into the pathophysiology of bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis.
21.12.2023Curr Opin Urol 2023
Tornic Jure, Engeler Daniel
Interdisciplinary Swiss consensus recommendations on staging and treatment of advanced prostate cancer.
Templeton A, Omlin A, Berthold D, Beyer J, Burger I, Eberli D, Engeler D, Fankhauser C, Fischer S, Gillessen S, Nicolas G, Kroeze S, Lorch A, Müntener M, Papachristofilou A, Schäfer N, Seiler D, Stenner-Liewen F, Tsantoulis P, Vlajnic T, Zilli T, Zwahlen D, Cathomas R. Interdisciplinary Swiss consensus recommendations on staging and treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Swiss Med Wkly 2023; 153:40108.
15.08.2023Interdisciplinary Swiss consensus recommendations on staging and treatment of advanced prostate cancer.
15.08.2023Swiss Med Wkly 2023; 153:40108
Templeton Arnoud J, Omlin Aurelius, Berthold Dominik R, Beyer Jörg, Burger Irene A, Eberli Daniel, Engeler Daniel, Fankhauser Christian Daniel, Fischer Stefanie, Gillessen Silke, Nicolas Guillaume, Kroeze Stephanie G C, Lorch Anja, Müntener Michael, Papachristofilou Alexandros, Schäfer Niklaus G, Seiler Daniel, Stenner-Liewen Frank, Tsantoulis Petros, Vlajnic Tatjana, Zilli Thomas, Zwahlen Daniel Rudolf, Cathomas Richard
Prostatic Artery Embolization in Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review.
Burkhardt O, Abt D, Engeler D, Schmid H, Müllhaupt G, Zumstein V. Prostatic Artery Embolization in Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review. Eur Urol Focus 2023
23.02.2023Prostatic Artery Embolization in Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review.
23.02.2023Eur Urol Focus 2023
Burkhardt Orlando, Abt Dominik, Engeler Daniel, Schmid Hans-Peter, Müllhaupt Gautier, Zumstein Valentin
Comparison of traditional outcome measures and self-assessed goal achievement in patients treated surgically for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Pratsinis M, Müllhaupt G, Güsewell S, Betschart P, Zumstein V, Engeler D, Schmid H, Lamb A, Abt D. Comparison of traditional outcome measures and self-assessed goal achievement in patients treated surgically for benign prostatic hyperplasia. World J Urol 2023
16.02.2023Comparison of traditional outcome measures and self-assessed goal achievement in patients treated surgically for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
16.02.2023World J Urol 2023
Pratsinis Manolis, Müllhaupt Gautier, Güsewell Sabine, Betschart Patrick, Zumstein Valentin, Engeler Daniel, Schmid Hans-Peter, Lamb Alastair D, Abt Dominik
Ventral-inlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty in a 44-year old female patient with recurrent urethral stricture.
Burkhardt O, Schmid H, Engeler D, Zumstein V. Ventral-inlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty in a 44-year old female patient with recurrent urethral stricture. J Surg Case Rep 2023; 2023:rjad025.
06.02.2023Ventral-inlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty in a 44-year old female patient with recurrent urethral stricture.
06.02.2023J Surg Case Rep 2023; 2023:rjad025
Burkhardt Orlando, Schmid Hans-Peter, Engeler Daniel, Zumstein Valentin
Spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma of the seminal vesicle: First description of a rare benign mesenchymal tumor.
Lyatoshinsky P, Pratsinis M, Markert E, Schmid H, Muellhaupt G. Spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma of the seminal vesicle: First description of a rare benign mesenchymal tumor. Urol Case Rep 2023; 47:102337.
30.01.2023Spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma of the seminal vesicle: First description of a rare benign mesenchymal tumor.
30.01.2023Urol Case Rep 2023; 47:102337
Lyatoshinsky Pavel, Pratsinis Manolis, Markert Eva, Schmid Hans-Peter, Muellhaupt Gautier
Case of the month from the Cantonal Hospital, St Gallen, Switzerland: checkpoint inhibition for recurrent prostate cancer.
Koster K, Zumstein V, Süveg K, Jochum W, Husarik D, Omlin A. Case of the month from the Cantonal Hospital, St Gallen, Switzerland: checkpoint inhibition for recurrent prostate cancer. BJU Int 2022; 131:173-176.
05.12.2022Case of the month from the Cantonal Hospital, St Gallen, Switzerland: checkpoint inhibition for recurrent prostate cancer.
05.12.2022BJU Int 2022; 131:173-176
Koster Kira-Lee, Zumstein Valentin, Süveg Krisztian, Jochum Wolfram, Husarik Daniela Barbara, Omlin Aurelius
Koster K, Rothermundt C, Binet F, Borovicka J, Bozinov O, Clerici T, Engeler D, Greiner J, Hader C, Heinimann K, Azzarello-Burri S, Lang C, Krull I, Stöckli S, Omlin A, Hundsberger T. Von-Hippel-Lindau-Erkrankung - Interdisziplinäre Betreuung und neue therapeutische Optionen. Swiss Med Forum 2022; 48:4-784-787.
30.11.2022Swiss Med Forum 2022; 48:4-784-787
Koster Kira-Lee, Rothermundt Christian, Binet Françoise-Isabelle, Borovicka Jan, Bozinov Oliver, Clerici Thomas, Engeler Daniel, Greiner J, Hader Claudia, Heinimann Karl, Azzarello-Burri Silvia, Lang Corina, Krull Ina, Stöckli Sandro, Omlin Aurelius, Hundsberger Thomas
Reply to Julian Chavarriaga and Robert Hamilton's Letter to the Editor re: Manolis Pratsinis, Christian Fankhauser, Katerina Pratsinis, et al. Metastatic Potential of Small Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Implications for Surveillance of Small Testicular Masses. Eur Urol Open Sci 2022;40:16-8. Should We Be Afraid of Surveillance? Clinically Meaningful Reasons Why Offering Surveillance for Incidentally Detected Small Testicular Masses Remains a Safe Approach.
Pratsinis M, Rothermundt C, Fankhauser C. Reply to Julian Chavarriaga and Robert Hamilton's Letter to the Editor re: Manolis Pratsinis, Christian Fankhauser, Katerina Pratsinis, et al. Metastatic Potential of Small Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Implications for Surveillance of Small Testicular Masses. Eur Urol Open Sci 2022;40:16-8. Should We Be Afraid of Surveillance? Clinically Meaningful Reasons Why Offering Surveillance for Incidentally Detected Small Testicular Masses Remains a Safe Approach. Eur Urol Open Sci 2022; 45:52.
03.10.2022Reply to Julian Chavarriaga and Robert Hamilton's Letter to the Editor re: Manolis Pratsinis, Christian Fankhauser, Katerina Pratsinis, et al. Metastatic Potential of Small Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Implications for Surveillance of Small Testicular Masses. Eur Urol Open Sci 2022;40:16-8. Should We Be Afraid of Surveillance? Clinically Meaningful Reasons Why Offering Surveillance for Incidentally Detected Small Testicular Masses Remains a Safe Approach.
03.10.2022Eur Urol Open Sci 2022; 45:52
Pratsinis Manolis, Rothermundt Christian, Fankhauser Christian
Myofascial Pelvic Pain: Best Orientation and Clinical Practice. Position of the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel on Chronic Pelvic Pain.
Abreu-Mendes P, Zumstein V, Parsons B, Flink I, Tornic J, Pinto R, Tidman V, Messelink B, Hughes J, Elneil S, Dinis-Oliveira P, Cottrell A, Borovicka J, Berghmans B, Baranowski A, Engeler D. Myofascial Pelvic Pain: Best Orientation and Clinical Practice. Position of the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel on Chronic Pelvic Pain. Eur Urol Focus 2022
06.08.2022Myofascial Pelvic Pain: Best Orientation and Clinical Practice. Position of the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel on Chronic Pelvic Pain.
06.08.2022Eur Urol Focus 2022
Abreu-Mendes Pedro, Zumstein Valentin, Parsons Brian A, Flink Ida, Tornic Jure, Pinto Rui, Tidman Victoria, Messelink Bert E J, Hughes John, Elneil Sohier, Dinis-Oliveira Paulo, Cottrell Angela M, Borovicka Jan, Berghmans Bary, Baranowski Andrew P, Engeler Daniel
Incidence and outcome of patients with renal cell carcinoma treated with partial or radical nephrectomy in the Cantons St Gallen and Appenzell 2009-2018.
Aeppli S, Engeler D, Fischer S, Omlin A, Pratsinis M, Hermann C, Rothermundt C. Incidence and outcome of patients with renal cell carcinoma treated with partial or radical nephrectomy in the Cantons St Gallen and Appenzell 2009-2018. Swiss Med Wkly 2022; 152:w30175.
16.06.2022Incidence and outcome of patients with renal cell carcinoma treated with partial or radical nephrectomy in the Cantons St Gallen and Appenzell 2009-2018.
16.06.2022Swiss Med Wkly 2022; 152:w30175
Aeppli Stefanie, Engeler Daniel, Fischer Stefanie, Omlin Aurelius, Pratsinis Manolis, Hermann Christian, Rothermundt Christian
Metastatic Potential of Small Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Implications for Surveillance of Small Testicular Masses.
Pratsinis M, Fankhauser C, Pratsinis K, Beyer J, Bührer E, Cathomas R, Fischer N, Hermanns T, Hirschi-Blickenstorfer A, Kamradt J, Alex Kluth L, Zihler D, Mingrone W, Müller B, Nestler T, Rothschild S, Seifert B, Templeton A, Terbuch A, Ufen M, Woelky R, Gillessen S, Rothermundt C. Metastatic Potential of Small Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Implications for Surveillance of Small Testicular Masses. Eur Urol Open Sci 2022; 40:16-18.
26.04.2022Metastatic Potential of Small Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Implications for Surveillance of Small Testicular Masses.
26.04.2022Eur Urol Open Sci 2022; 40:16-18
Pratsinis Manolis, Fankhauser Christian, Pratsinis Katerina, Beyer Jörg, Bührer Emanuel, Cathomas Richard, Fischer Natalie, Hermanns Thomas, Hirschi-Blickenstorfer Anita, Kamradt Jörn, Alex Kluth Luis, Zihler Deborah, Mingrone Walter, Müller Beat, Nestler Tim, Rothschild Sacha I, Seifert Bettina, Templeton Arnoud J, Terbuch Angelika, Ufen Mark-Peter, Woelky Regina, Gillessen Silke, Rothermundt Christian
A Phase 1/2 Single-arm Clinical Trial of Recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) VPM1002BC Immunotherapy in Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Recurrence After Conventional BCG Therapy: SAKK 06/14.
Rentsch C, Roth B, Bosshard P, Püschel H, Boll D, Hefermehl L, Roghmann F, Gierth M, Ribi K, Schäfer S, Wicki A, Bubendorf L, Torpai R, Thalmann G, Lucca I, Kwiatkowski M, Wirth G, Strebel R, Engeler D, Pedrazzini A, Hüttenbrink C, Schultze-Seemann W, Hayoz S. A Phase 1/2 Single-arm Clinical Trial of Recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) VPM1002BC Immunotherapy in Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Recurrence After Conventional BCG Therapy: SAKK 06/14. Eur Urol Oncol 2022; 5:195-202.
07.01.2022A Phase 1/2 Single-arm Clinical Trial of Recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) VPM1002BC Immunotherapy in Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer Recurrence After Conventional BCG Therapy: SAKK 06/14.
07.01.2022Eur Urol Oncol 2022; 5:195-202
Rentsch Cyrill A, Roth Beat, Bosshard Piet, Püschel Heike, Boll Daniel T, Hefermehl Lukas, Roghmann Florian, Gierth Michael, Ribi Karin, Schäfer Simon, Wicki Andreas, Bubendorf Lukas, Torpai Raimund, Thalmann George N, Lucca Ilaria, Kwiatkowski Maciej, Wirth Grégory J, Strebel Räto T, Engeler Daniel, Pedrazzini Augusto, Hüttenbrink Clemens, Schultze-Seemann Wolfgang, Hayoz Stefanie
Re: Early Results of Unilateral Prostatic Artery Embolization as a Focal Therapy in Patients with Prostate Cancer Under Active Surveillance: Cancer Prostate Embolisation, a Pilot Study
Schmid H, Hechelhammer L, Muellhaupt G. Re: Early Results of Unilateral Prostatic Artery Embolization as a Focal Therapy in Patients with Prostate Cancer Under Active Surveillance: Cancer Prostate Embolisation, a Pilot Study. Eur Urol 2021
09.11.2021Re: Early Results of Unilateral Prostatic Artery Embolization as a Focal Therapy in Patients with Prostate Cancer Under Active Surveillance: Cancer Prostate Embolisation, a Pilot Study
09.11.2021Eur Urol 2021
Schmid Hans-Peter, Hechelhammer Lukas, Muellhaupt Gautier
Management of chronic primary pelvic pain syndromes.
Parsons B, Baranowski A, Berghmans B, Borovicka J, Cottrell A, Dinis-Oliveira P, Elneil S, Hughes J, Messelink B, de C Williams A, Abreu-Mendes P, Zumstein V, Engeler D. Management of chronic primary pelvic pain syndromes. BJU Int 2021; 129:572-581.
27.10.2021Management of chronic primary pelvic pain syndromes.
27.10.2021BJU Int 2021; 129:572-581
Parsons Brian A, Baranowski Andrew P, Berghmans Bary, Borovicka Jan, Cottrell Angela M, Dinis-Oliveira Paulo, Elneil Sohier, Hughes John, Messelink Bert E J, de C Williams Amanda C, Abreu-Mendes Pedro, Zumstein Valentin, Engeler Daniel
Investigating the response scale of the EORTC QLQ-C30 in German cancer patients and a population survey
Koller M, Bottomley A, Kuliś D, Groenvold M, Holzner B, Sztankay M, Metzger J, Engeler D, Boehm A, Mölle U, Harvey C, Schmidt H, Nolte S, Müller K, EORTC Quality of Life Group. Investigating the response scale of the EORTC QLQ-C30 in German cancer patients and a population survey. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2021; 19:235.
09.10.2021Investigating the response scale of the EORTC QLQ-C30 in German cancer patients and a population survey
09.10.2021Health Qual Life Outcomes 2021; 19:235
Koller Michael, Bottomley Andrew, Kuliś Dagmara, Groenvold Mogens, Holzner Bernhard, Sztankay Monika, Metzger Jürg, Engeler Daniel, Boehm Andreas, Mölle Ulrike, Harvey Christina, Schmidt Heike, Nolte Sandra, Müller Karolina, EORTC Quality of Life Group
Radiotherapy or Surgery? Comparative, Qualitative Assessment of Online Patient Education Materials on Prostate Cancer
Vu E, Pratsinis M, Plasswilm L, Schmid H, Panje C, Betschart P. Radiotherapy or Surgery? Comparative, Qualitative Assessment of Online Patient Education Materials on Prostate Cancer. Curr Oncol 2021; 28:3420-3429.
06.09.2021Radiotherapy or Surgery? Comparative, Qualitative Assessment of Online Patient Education Materials on Prostate Cancer
06.09.2021Curr Oncol 2021; 28:3420-3429
Vu Erwin, Pratsinis Manolis, Plasswilm Ludwig, Schmid Hans-Peter, Panje Cédric, Betschart Patrick
Qualitative Assessment of Medical Information on YouTube: A Multilingual Comparison of Common Urological Conditions
Pratsinis M, Babst C, Langenauer J, Schmid H, Piller A, Neuenschwander A, Betschart P. Qualitative Assessment of Medical Information on YouTube: A Multilingual Comparison of Common Urological Conditions. Urol Int 2021; 105:757-763.
21.07.2021Qualitative Assessment of Medical Information on YouTube: A Multilingual Comparison of Common Urological Conditions
21.07.2021Urol Int 2021; 105:757-763
Pratsinis Manolis, Babst Christa, Langenauer Janine, Schmid Hans-Peter, Piller Alberto, Neuenschwander Anne, Betschart Patrick
Adenovirus vector vaccination reprograms pulmonary fibroblastic niches to support protective inflating memory CD8 T cells
Cupovic J, Klenerman P, Engeler D, Krebs P, Scandella E, Oxenius A, Flatz L, Provine N, De Martin A, Cheng H, Lütge M, Colston J, Onder L, Ring S, Ludewig B. Adenovirus vector vaccination reprograms pulmonary fibroblastic niches to support protective inflating memory CD8 T cells. Nat Immunol 2021; 22:1042-1051.
15.07.2021Adenovirus vector vaccination reprograms pulmonary fibroblastic niches to support protective inflating memory CD8 T cells
15.07.2021Nat Immunol 2021; 22:1042-1051
Cupovic Jovana, Klenerman Paul, Engeler Daniel, Krebs Philippe, Scandella Elke, Oxenius Annette, Flatz Lukas, Provine Nicholas M, De Martin Angelina, Cheng Hung-Wei, Lütge Mechthild, Colston Julia M, Onder Lucas, Ring Sandra, Ludewig Burkhard
Stay cool! Special underwear for cyclic cooling significantly decreases scrotal skin temperature
Zumstein V, Vetterlein M, Hoffer A, Schmid H, Engeler D, Betschart P. Stay cool! Special underwear for cyclic cooling significantly decreases scrotal skin temperature. Cent European J Urol 2021; 74:468-470.
08.07.2021Stay cool! Special underwear for cyclic cooling significantly decreases scrotal skin temperature
08.07.2021Cent European J Urol 2021; 74:468-470
Zumstein Valentin, Vetterlein Malte W, Hoffer Alberto Piller, Schmid Hans-Peter, Engeler Daniel, Betschart Patrick