Using infrared photography in forensic medicine
Präsentation/Vortrag - 19.01.2015
Sterzik Vera, Bohnert Michael, Graw Matthias, Schulz Martin
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Introduction. Infrared photography is an auxiliary tool to make invisible traces of blood or gunshot residue on dark textiles visible to the human eye. It also serves for documentation of hematomas hardly visible. Progress in digital photography brings about easy handling and pictures with high resolution.
Methods. Bloodstains on dark textiles as well as gunshot residues and hematomas were photographed with a modified and infrared-capable digital single lens reflex camera. The pictures were taken in RAW and altered in Adobe Photoshop as to contrast and exposure.
Results. The pictures show blood, gunshot residues and hematomas that were at least barely visible to the human eye. The pictures even allow perform bloodstain pattern analysis.
Conclusions. Modern infrared photography is a major tool in forensic casework. It is portable, easy to handle and helpful in crime scene investigation as well as in clinical forensic medicine.