
Antiviral treatment of recurrent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection after liver transplantation: association of a strong, multispecific, and long-lasting CD4+ T cell response with HCV-elimination

Wissenschaftlicher Artikel/Review - 01.09.2003


Schirren C, Pape G, Nitschko H, Rau H, Schraut W, Baretton G, Diepolder H, Gruener N, Ulsenheimer A, Gerlach T, Zachoval R, Jung M. Antiviral treatment of recurrent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection after liver transplantation: association of a strong, multispecific, and long-lasting CD4+ T cell response with HCV-elimination. Journal of hepatology 2003; 39:397-404.
Wissenschaftlicher Artikel/Review (Englisch)
Journal of hepatology 2003; 39
ISSN (Druck)

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Patients with recurrent hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infection after liver transplantation (OLTx) could develop an early, multispecific, preferentially intrahepatic CD4+ T cell response. We asked now whether there is a correlation between the HCV-specific CD4+ T cell response and treatment outcome in patients who receive interferon (IFN)-alpha/ribavirin. METHODS: Liver- and blood-derived T cell lines of 20 patients were studied in parallel before, under, at the end and after antiviral treatment. Virus-specific IFN-gamma production at a single cell level to HCV-proteins (core, non-structural protein (NS)3/4, NS5) was determined by enzyme-linked immunospot assay. RESULTS: In 6/7 non-responders a weak HCV-specific CD4+ T cell response was detectable. All six sustained responders developed a strong, at NS3/4 and NS5 directed and long-lasting CD4+ T cell response which was mainly detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This reaction was significantly stronger: (1) in the responders than in the non-responders; and (2) within the responders at the end of treatment than before (P<0.03). Seven transient-responders showed a weak and/or transient HCV-specific CD4+ T cell response. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with recurrent HCV-infection after OLTx, who receive antiviral treatment, a strong, at NS3/4 and NS5 directed and long-lasting CD4+ T cell response is associated with HCV-elimination whereas no or a weak/transient response is associated with treatment failure.