Suche in 1171 Projekten:
26 Projekt(e)
ScintiPOF: development of scintillation materials based on perovskitepolymer optical fiber composites for high-precision radiation oncology
03.04.2023Radiation Oncology today is more targeted, personalized, and deals with much smaller treatment regions. The small and highly sophisticated dose distributions pose great challenges for modern radiation dosimetry. High performance detectors are used to...
Grundlagenforschung - 03.04.2023 - 28.03.2025
Projektleitung: Buchauer Konrad
Application of an IT knowledge base to improve decision-making for breast cancer in radiation oncology
Klinische Forschung - 07.03.2023 - 30.09.2024
Automatisch geschlossen
Projektleitung: Dennstädt Fabio, Zink Johannes
Mitarbeiter/innen: Putora Paul Martin, Glatzer Markus, Plasswilm Ludwig
Personalisierung der Blasenkrebstherapie anhand von Unterschieden im Mikrobiom der Blase und von Stuhlproben
15.02.2023Towards individualization of bladder cancer therapy: the role of microbiome in BCG responsiveness prediction
Klinische Forschung - 15.02.2023 - 15.10.2024
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Projektleitung: Engeler Daniel
Mitarbeiter/innen: Langenauer Janine, Lyatoshinsky Pavel, Patzl Sigrid, Zürn Karin
EORTC 1901-LCG PRIMALung Study
03.01.2022PRophylactic cerebral Irradiation or active MAgnetic resonance imaging surveillance in small-cell Lung cancer patients (PRIMALung study)
Klinische Forschung - 03.01.2022 - 03.11.2030
Projektleitung: Putora Paul Martin
Mitarbeiter/innen: Glatzer Markus, Dennstädt Fabio
Role of Brachytherapy in the post-operative management of endometrial cancer: decision-making analysis among European experts“
04.02.2021To better understand decision-making processes for postoperative brachytherapy in endometrial cancer we want to initiate a project using an approach developed in our institution (objective consensus methodology) among European experts for this indica...
Klinische Forschung - 04.02.2021 - 31.10.2021
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Projektleitung: Glatzer Markus
Decision-Making Analysis of next generation sequencing in glioblastoma in Switzerland
01.01.2021Glioblastoma is the most frequent and most malignant primary brain tumour with an annual incidence of 3.2/100’000 1,2. The combination of histopathological features (nuclear atypia, mitosis, neoangiogenesis and/or necrosis) and molecular aberrations...
Klinische Forschung - 01.01.2021 - 01.12.2021
Automatisch geschlossen
Mitarbeiter/innen: Putora Paul Martin
Checkmate 73L (CA20973L)
01.01.2020A Phase 3, Randomized, Open Label Study to Compare Nivolumab plus Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) followed by Nivolumab plus Ipilimumab or Nivolumab plus CCRT Followed by Nivolumab vs CCRT followed by Durvalumab in Previously Untreated, Locally A...
Klinische Forschung - 01.01.2020 - 11.12.2023
Automatisch geschlossen
Mitarbeiter/innen: Glatzer Markus
SAKK 01/18 Reduced intensity radio-chemotherapy for satge IIA/B seminoma. A multicenter, open label phase II trial with 2 cohorts
24.07.2019Main objective: To investigate efficacy of a stage-adapted tratment regimen in stage IIA/B seminoma based on the preliminary experience gained in SAKK 01/10. The Goal is to further safely de-escalate Treatment while maintaining / enhancing efficacy.
Klinische Forschung - 24.07.2019 - 24.07.2030
Projektleitung: Putora Paul Martin
Mitarbeiter/innen: Plasswilm Ludwig, Rothermundt Christian, Patzl Sigrid, Fischer Stefanie
DOSIS RCT_Dose-intensified-Image-guided Fractionatet Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Painful Spinal Metastasis versus Conventional Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
03.07.2019Primary Objective: Randomised arm: To compare Long-term pain Response after dose- intensified imageguide hypofractioned SBRT employing SIB versus conventional Radiation therapy for painful spinal metastasis Prospective observational arm: To assess t...
Klinische Forschung - 03.07.2019 - 03.07.2024
Automatisch geschlossen
Projektleitung: Henke Guido
Mitarbeiter/innen: Panje Cédric, Glatzer Markus
EORTC 1702-LCG-ROG Targeted therapy with or without dose-intensified radiotterapy in oligo-progressive disease (OPD) in oncogene Addicted Lung Tumors
12.06.2019Targeted therapy beyond Progression with or without dose-intensified radiotHerapy in oligo-progressive disease (OPD) in oncogene Addicted Lung Tumors (HALT) Objectives: To determine wether in patients with Mutation positive advanced NSCLC the use of...
Klinische Forschung - 12.06.2019 - 01.02.2021
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Projektleitung: Glatzer Markus
STORM: A randomized phase II Trial for the Salvage Treatment of OligoRecurrent nodal prostate cancer Metastases
01.06.2019To compare metastases-free survival (MFS) between metastasis-directed therapy and metastases-directed therapy with whole pelvis radiotherapy for oligorecurrent nodal prostate cancer. Target: 178 Patients
Klinische Forschung - 01.06.2019 - 01.07.2025
Projektleitung: Putora Paul Martin
Decision Making in Oncology - Transfer of Competencies between HSG-KSSG
01.03.2018Decision making in medicine is a very complex process and of central importance to the patient and physician in oncology. Our previous work (based at KSSG) has demonstrated a wide variability in expert decision making in oncology (including the use o...
Grundlagenforschung - 01.03.2018 - 31.12.2020
Automatisch geschlossen
Projektleitung: Putora Paul Martin
27.09.2017PROMET - Multicenter, Randomized Phase II Trial of Salvage Radiotherapy +/- Metformin for Patients with Prostate Cancer after Prostatectomy The main objective of the trial is to explore the efficacy of SRT plus metformin compared to SRT in the endpo...
Klinische Forschung - 27.09.2017 - 07.10.2030
Projektleitung: Putora Paul Martin
Mitarbeiter/innen: Panje Cédric
Impact of Sarcopenia in Curative Trimodality Therapy for Esophageal Cancer
13.01.2015The aim of the study is to investigate the prevalence and course of sarcopenia in patients undergoing curative trimodality therapy for locally advanced esophageal cancer and to correlate skeletal muscle mass with treatment complications during neoadj...
Klinische Forschung - 13.01.2015 - 31.12.2015
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Projektleitung: Panje Cédric, Henke Guido
Mitarbeiter/innen: Blum David
SAKK 63/12 Prospective cohort study with collection of clinical data and serum of patients with prostate disease
15.10.2014Diese Studie umfasst die Erstellung einer Serum- und Gewebebank, sowie die Erhebung zugehöriger klinischer Daten.
Klinische Forschung - 15.10.2014 - 15.10.2024
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Projektleitung: Engeler Daniel, Gillessen Sommer Silke
Mitarbeiter/innen: Rothermundt Christian, Omlin Aurelius, Putora Paul Martin, Lengwiler Daniel, Patzl Sigrid, Schaepper Sibylle, Schwab Christoph, Abt Dominik, Templeton Arnoud
Prostatic Artery Embolization vs. conventional TUR-P in the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A prospective randomized trial
Klinische Forschung - 05.02.2014 - 05.04.2023
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Projektleitung: Engeler Daniel, Abt Dominik
Mitarbeiter/innen: Schmid Hans-Peter, Hechelhammer Lukas, Patzl Sigrid, Lengwiler Daniel, Haile Sarah, Maier Reinhard, Schulz Thomas
Integrative Translational Research Network for Lung Cancer (ITRNLC)
01.10.2012Lung cancer remains a health issue with a dismal outcome and evolution in the search of new prognostic markers and therapeutic approaches. To improve research efforts interdisciplinary and multicenter research networks are needed. For competitive tra...
Grundlagenforschung - 01.10.2012 - 31.12.2015
Projektleitung: Brutsche Martin, Putora Paul Martin
Mitarbeiter/innen: Baty Florent
Avastin plus Radiotherapy in Elderly Patients with Glioblastoma (ARTE) A phase II, randomized, parallel-group, explorative, open labeled multi-center study of bevacizumab (Avastin®) in elderly subjects with newly diagnosed glioblastoma
17.08.2012Die Prognose von Patienten, die an einem Glioblastom erkranken, ist sehr schlecht, insbesondere bei älteren Patienten. Derzeit gilt die Strahlentherapie als Standardtherapie nach der Operation mit einer medianen Überlebenszeit von etwa 6 Monaten. Ein...
Klinische Forschung - 17.08.2012 - 30.05.2015
Projektleitung: Plasswilm Ludwig
Mitarbeiter/innen: Weder Patrik, Hundsberger Thomas
Carboplatin chemotherapy and involved node radiotherapy in stage II A
24.04.2012Testing efficacy and safety of carboplain chemotherapy and involved node Radio Therapy in patients with stage II A/B seminoma.
Klinische Forschung - 24.04.2012 - 05.06.2028
Projektleitung: Plasswilm Ludwig
Quality Assurance of Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy Guidelines
05.04.2012The aim of our project is the comparison of guidelines for the primary radiotherapy of prostate cancer among institutions in Switzerland. The goal is not the leveling of guidelines, but a neutral description of deviations, which may lead to a critic...
Klinische Forschung - 05.04.2012 - 05.04.2013
Automatisch geschlossen
Projektleitung: Putora Paul Martin
Mitarbeiter/innen: Plasswilm Ludwig, Horstkemper Ruth