C Mamot
Do all patients with advanced HER2 positive breast cancer need upfront-chemo when receiving trastuzumab? Randomized Phase III trial SAKK 22/99
Pagani O, Rabaglio M, Aebi S, Ribi K, Rochlitz C, Rothgiesser K, Thürlimann B, Moos R, Zaman K, Goldhirsch A, Pestalozzi B, Munzone E, Klingbiel D, Ruhstaller T, Nolé F, Eppenberger S, Oehlschlegel C, Bernhard J, Brauchli P, Hess D, Mamot C. Do all patients with advanced HER2 positive breast cancer need upfront-chemo when receiving trastuzumab? Randomized Phase III trial SAKK 22/99. Ann Oncol 2016
19.12.2016Do all patients with advanced HER2 positive breast cancer need upfront-chemo when receiving trastuzumab? Randomized Phase III trial SAKK 22/99
19.12.2016Ann Oncol 2016
Pagani O, Rabaglio M, Aebi S, Ribi K, Rochlitz C, Rothgiesser K, Thürlimann Beat, Moos R von, Zaman K, Goldhirsch A, Pestalozzi B, Munzone E, Klingbiel D, Ruhstaller Thomas, Nolé F, Eppenberger S, Oehlschlegel C, Bernhard J, Brauchli P, Hess Dagmar, Mamot C
First-line temozolomide combined with bevacizumab in metastatic melanoma: a multicentre phase II trial (SAKK 50/07)
von Moos R, Dummer R, Schönewolf N, Mamot C, Mjhic-Probst D, Schraml P, Moch H, Schläppi M, Cathomas R, Michielin O, Ochsenbein A, Gillessen S, Goldinger S, Simcock M, Seifert B, on behaalf of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK). First-line temozolomide combined with bevacizumab in metastatic melanoma: a multicentre phase II trial (SAKK 50/07). Ann Oncol 2011; 23:531-6.
28.04.2011First-line temozolomide combined with bevacizumab in metastatic melanoma: a multicentre phase II trial (SAKK 50/07)
28.04.2011Ann Oncol 2011; 23:531-6
von Moos R, Dummer R, Schönewolf N, Mamot C, Mjhic-Probst D, Schraml P H, Moch H, Schläppi M, Cathomas R, Michielin O, Ochsenbein A, Gillessen S, Goldinger S M, Simcock M, Seifert B, on behaalf of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK)