Roman Brenner
Kardiologie · Dept. I
Impact of the 2022 pulmonary hypertension definition on haemodynamic classification and mortality in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing valve replacement.
Maeder M, Weber L, Pohle S, Chronis J, Baty F, Rigger J, Brutsche M, Haager P, Rickli H, Brenner R. Impact of the 2022 pulmonary hypertension definition on haemodynamic classification and mortality in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing valve replacement. Eur Heart J Open 2024; 4:oeae037.
29.05.2024Impact of the 2022 pulmonary hypertension definition on haemodynamic classification and mortality in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing valve replacement.
29.05.2024Eur Heart J Open 2024; 4:oeae037
Maeder Micha, Weber Lukas, Pohle Susanne, Chronis Joannis, Baty Florent, Rigger Johannes, Brutsche Martin, Haager Philipp K., Rickli Hans, Brenner Roman
Pulmonary and Systemic Hemodynamics in Patients with Hyperthyroidism.
Brenner R, Drescher T, Locher R, Bilz S, Rickli H, Brändle M, Nobel D, Weilenmann D, Ammann P, Maeder M. Pulmonary and Systemic Hemodynamics in Patients with Hyperthyroidism. Am J Med 2023
15.12.2023Pulmonary and Systemic Hemodynamics in Patients with Hyperthyroidism.
15.12.2023Am J Med 2023
Brenner Roman, Drescher Tilman, Locher Rebecca, Bilz Stefan, Rickli Hans, Brändle Michael, Nobel Daniel, Weilenmann Daniel, Ammann Peter, Maeder Micha
ECG left ventricular hypertrophy in aortic stenosis: Relationship with cardiac structure, invasive hemodynamics, and long-term mortality.
Sager P, Rusch A, Weber L, Breuss A, Appert S, Brenner R, Buser M, Ammann P, Rickli H, Maeder M. ECG left ventricular hypertrophy in aortic stenosis: Relationship with cardiac structure, invasive hemodynamics, and long-term mortality. Clin Cardiol 2023; 47:e24155.
23.09.2023ECG left ventricular hypertrophy in aortic stenosis: Relationship with cardiac structure, invasive hemodynamics, and long-term mortality.
23.09.2023Clin Cardiol 2023; 47:e24155
Sager Patrizia, Rusch Andreas, Weber Lukas, Breuss Alexander, Appert Sharon, Brenner Roman, Buser Marc, Ammann Peter, Rickli Hans, Maeder Micha
Follow-up of CRT-D patients downgraded to CRT-P at the time of generator exchange.
Frey S, Brenner R, Theuns D, Al-Shoaibi N, Crawley R, Ammann P, Sticherling C, Kühne M, Osswald S, Schaer B. Follow-up of CRT-D patients downgraded to CRT-P at the time of generator exchange. Front Cardiovasc Med 2023; 10:1217523.
15.06.2023Follow-up of CRT-D patients downgraded to CRT-P at the time of generator exchange.
15.06.2023Front Cardiovasc Med 2023; 10:1217523
Frey Simon Martin, Brenner Roman, Theuns Dominic A M J, Al-Shoaibi Naeem, Crawley Richard J, Ammann Peter, Sticherling Christian, Kühne Michael, Osswald Stefan, Schaer Beat Andreas
Systemic blood pressure in severe aortic stenosis: Haemodynamic correlates and long-term prognostic impact.
Maeder M, Rickli H, Weber L, Weilenmann D, Ammann P, Joerg L, Haager P, Rigger J, Chronis J, Brenner R. Systemic blood pressure in severe aortic stenosis: Haemodynamic correlates and long-term prognostic impact. ESC Heart Fail 2022; 10:274-283.
07.10.2022Systemic blood pressure in severe aortic stenosis: Haemodynamic correlates and long-term prognostic impact.
07.10.2022ESC Heart Fail 2022; 10:274-283
Maeder Micha, Rickli Hans, Weber Lukas, Weilenmann Daniel, Ammann Peter, Joerg Lucas, Haager Philipp K, Rigger Johannes, Chronis Joannis, Brenner Roman
[Therapy of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction: What's New in the 2021 Guidelines?].
Maeder M, Rickli H, Brenner R, Scheler E, Buser M. [Therapy of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction: What's New in the 2021 Guidelines?]. Praxis (Bern 1994) 2022; 111:445-456.
01.01.2022[Therapy of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction: What's New in the 2021 Guidelines?].
01.01.2022Praxis (Bern 1994) 2022; 111:445-456
Maeder Micha, Rickli Hans, Brenner Roman, Scheler Eva, Buser Marc
Electrocardiographic alterations by pneumothorax: a case-control study with review of the literature
Minotti B, Brenner R, Desbiolles L, Osterwalder J, Schoch O, Ammann P. Electrocardiographic alterations by pneumothorax: a case-control study with review of the literature. Swiss Medical Weekly 2021; 151
03.08.2021Electrocardiographic alterations by pneumothorax: a case-control study with review of the literature
03.08.2021Swiss Medical Weekly 2021; 151
Minotti Bruno, Brenner Roman, Desbiolles Lotus May, Osterwalder Joseph, Schoch Otto, Ammann Peter
Electrocardiographic alterations by pneumothorax: a case-control study with review of the literature
Minotti B, Brenner R, Desbiolles L, Osterwalder J, Schoch O, Ammann P. Electrocardiographic alterations by pneumothorax: a case-control study with review of the literature. Swiss Med Wkly 2021; 151:w30041.
03.08.2021Electrocardiographic alterations by pneumothorax: a case-control study with review of the literature
03.08.2021Swiss Med Wkly 2021; 151:w30041
Minotti Bruno, Brenner Roman, Desbiolles Lotus May, Osterwalder Joseph, Schoch Otto, Ammann Peter
Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients With Heart Failure With Mid-Range Ejection Fraction
Maeder M, Weber L, Buser M, Brenner R, Jörg L, Rickli H. Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients With Heart Failure With Mid-Range Ejection Fraction. Front Cardiovasc Med 2021; 8:694240.
09.07.2021Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients With Heart Failure With Mid-Range Ejection Fraction
09.07.2021Front Cardiovasc Med 2021; 8:694240
Maeder Micha, Weber Lukas, Buser Marc, Brenner Roman, Jörg Lucas, Rickli Hans
Radiologischer Zufallsbefund nach Südafrikareise
Michels L, Hörburger D, Brenner R, Walter A, Mühlethaler K, Kohler P. Radiologischer Zufallsbefund nach Südafrikareise. Swiss Medical Forum 2021; 2021:456-458.
23.06.2021Radiologischer Zufallsbefund nach Südafrikareise
23.06.2021Swiss Medical Forum 2021; 2021:456-458
Michels Lisanne, Hörburger David, Brenner Roman, Walter Anna-Lena, Mühlethaler Konrad, Kohler Philipp
Corrected QT Interval in Severe Aortic Stenosis: Clinical and Hemodynamic Correlates and Prognostic Impact
Tschumper M, Ammann P, Jäger-Rhomberg F, Ehl N, Buser M, Brenner R, Seidl S, Rickli H, Weber L, Maeder M. Corrected QT Interval in Severe Aortic Stenosis: Clinical and Hemodynamic Correlates and Prognostic Impact. Am J Med 2020
01.07.2020Corrected QT Interval in Severe Aortic Stenosis: Clinical and Hemodynamic Correlates and Prognostic Impact
01.07.2020Am J Med 2020
Tschumper Maja, Ammann Peter, Jäger-Rhomberg Franziska, Ehl Niklas, Buser Marc, Brenner Roman, Seidl Sebastian, Rickli Hans, Weber Lukas, Maeder Micha
Hemodynamic profile of patients with severe aortic valve stenosis and atrial fibrillation versus sinus rhythm
Weber L, Maisano F, Haager P, Buser M, Ehl N, Brenner R, Taramasso M, Ammann P, Rickli H, Maeder M. Hemodynamic profile of patients with severe aortic valve stenosis and atrial fibrillation versus sinus rhythm. Int J Cardiol 2020
01.04.2020Hemodynamic profile of patients with severe aortic valve stenosis and atrial fibrillation versus sinus rhythm
01.04.2020Int J Cardiol 2020
Weber Lukas, Maisano Francesco, Haager Philipp K., Buser Marc, Ehl Niklas, Brenner Roman, Taramasso Maurizio, Ammann Peter, Rickli Hans, Maeder Micha
Relationship between B-type natriuretic peptide and invasive haemodynamics in patients with severe aortic valve stenosis
Maeder M, Maisano F, Haager P, Brenner R, Gerhard M, Ehl N, Buser M, Ammann P, Weber L, Rickli H. Relationship between B-type natriuretic peptide and invasive haemodynamics in patients with severe aortic valve stenosis. ESC Heart Fail 2020
29.01.2020Relationship between B-type natriuretic peptide and invasive haemodynamics in patients with severe aortic valve stenosis
29.01.2020ESC Heart Fail 2020
Maeder Micha, Maisano Francesco, Haager Philipp K., Brenner Roman, Gerhard Marc, Ehl Niklas, Buser Marc, Ammann Peter, Weber Lukas, Rickli Hans
The Medtronic Sprint Fidelis® lead history revisited-Extended follow-up of passive leads
Frey S, Sticherling C, Altmann D, Brenner R, Kühne M, Ammann P, Coslovsky M, Osswald S, Schaer B. The Medtronic Sprint Fidelis® lead history revisited-Extended follow-up of passive leads. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2019
18.10.2019The Medtronic Sprint Fidelis® lead history revisited-Extended follow-up of passive leads
18.10.2019Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2019
Frey Simon Martin, Sticherling Christian, Altmann David, Brenner Roman, Kühne Michael, Ammann Peter, Coslovsky Michael, Osswald Stefan, Schaer Beat
[Follow-up of Patients with Cardiac Pacemakers]
Brenner R, Ammann P. [Follow-up of Patients with Cardiac Pacemakers]. Praxis (Bern 1994) 2019; 108:237-245.
01.03.2019[Follow-up of Patients with Cardiac Pacemakers]
01.03.2019Praxis (Bern 1994) 2019; 108:237-245
Brenner Roman, Ammann Peter
Haemodynamic mechanisms and long-term prognostic impact of pulmonary hypertension in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing valve replacement
Weber L, Maisano F, Baier P, Taramasso M, Brenner R, Weilenmann D, Jörg L, Haager P, Rickli H, Maeder M. Haemodynamic mechanisms and long-term prognostic impact of pulmonary hypertension in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing valve replacement. Eur J Heart Fail 2018
17.10.2018Haemodynamic mechanisms and long-term prognostic impact of pulmonary hypertension in patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing valve replacement
17.10.2018Eur J Heart Fail 2018
Weber Lukas, Maisano Francesco, Baier Philipp, Taramasso Maurizio, Brenner Roman, Weilenmann Daniel, Jörg Lucas, Haager Philipp K., Rickli Hans, Maeder Micha
Resting Heart Rate "Kinetics": Paradox or Means to Understand the Link Between Hypertension and Heart Failure?
Maeder M, Brenner R. Resting Heart Rate "Kinetics": Paradox or Means to Understand the Link Between Hypertension and Heart Failure?. Am J Hypertens 2018; 31:1090-1092.
11.09.2018Resting Heart Rate "Kinetics": Paradox or Means to Understand the Link Between Hypertension and Heart Failure?
11.09.2018Am J Hypertens 2018; 31:1090-1092
Maeder Micha, Brenner Roman
[Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)]
Maeder M, Buser M, Brenner R, Rickli H. [Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)]. Ther Umsch 2018; 75:161-169.
01.09.2018[Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)]
01.09.2018Ther Umsch 2018; 75:161-169
Maeder Micha, Buser Marc, Brenner Roman, Rickli Hans
Blutdruck und akutes Koronarsyndrom – Pathophysiologie, Prognose und Therapie
Brenner R, Diethelm M, Maeder M. Blutdruck und akutes Koronarsyndrom – Pathophysiologie, Prognose und Therapie. LEADING OPTIONS Innere Medizin 2017; 2017:18-20.
11.10.2017Blutdruck und akutes Koronarsyndrom – Pathophysiologie, Prognose und Therapie
11.10.2017LEADING OPTIONS Innere Medizin 2017; 2017:18-20
Brenner Roman, Diethelm Markus, Maeder Micha
Reduction of falls and fractures after permanent pacemaker implantation in elderly patients with sinus node dysfunction
Brenner R, Lippuner K, Sticherling C, Ramsay D, Krasniqi N, Duru F, Knaus U, Girod G, Hellermann J, Christen S, Yoon S, Ammann P, Kühne M. Reduction of falls and fractures after permanent pacemaker implantation in elderly patients with sinus node dysfunction. Europace 2017; 19:1220-1226.
01.07.2017Reduction of falls and fractures after permanent pacemaker implantation in elderly patients with sinus node dysfunction
01.07.2017Europace 2017; 19:1220-1226
Brenner Roman, Lippuner Kurt, Sticherling Christian, Ramsay David, Krasniqi Nazmi, Duru Firat, Knaus Urs, Girod Grégoire, Hellermann Jens, Christen Stefan, Yoon See-Il, Ammann Peter, Kühne Michael