12-month outcome after cardiac surgery: prediction by troponin T in combination with the European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation
Lurati Buse G, Koller M, Grapow M, Brüni C, Kasper J, Seeberger M, Filipovic M. 12-month outcome after cardiac surgery: prediction by troponin T in combination with the European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation. The Annals of thoracic surgery 2009; 88:1806-12.
12-month outcome after cardiac surgery: prediction by troponin T in combination with the European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation
The Annals of thoracic surgery 2009; 88:1806-12
Lurati Buse Giovanna A, Koller Michael T, Grapow Martin, Brüni Céline M, Kasper Jorge, Seeberger Manfred D, Filipovic Miodrag