New insights into the biology and origin of mature aggressive B-cell lymphomas by combined epigenomic, genomic, and transcriptional profiling
Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphomas Network Project of the Deutsche Krebshilfe, Seifert M, Schübeler D, Schwaenen C, Rosenwald A, Prosper F, Pott C, Ott G, Möller P, Macleod R, Stürzenhofecker B, Weber M, Siebert R, Hasenclever D, Barker D, Esteller M, Spang R, Stein H, Trümper L, Loeffler M, Wessendorf S, Küppers R, Korn B, Ballestar E, Lopez-Serra L, Richter J, Rosolowski M, Wickham-Garcia E, Ammerpohl O, Bentink S, Bibikova M, Kreuz M, Berger H, Agirre X, Klapper W, Hummel M, Hansmann M, Fraga M, Fan J, Drexler H, Cogliatti S, Calvanese V, Bernd H, Martín-Subero J. New insights into the biology and origin of mature aggressive B-cell lymphomas by combined epigenomic, genomic, and transcriptional profiling. Blood 2009; 113:2488-97.
New insights into the biology and origin of mature aggressive B-cell lymphomas by combined epigenomic, genomic, and transcriptional profiling
Blood 2009; 113:2488-97
Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphomas Network Project of the Deutsche Krebshilfe, Seifert Marc, Schübeler Dirk, Schwaenen Carsten, Rosenwald Andreas, Prosper Felipe, Pott Christiane, Ott German, Möller Peter, Macleod Roderick A F, Stürzenhofecker Benjamin, Weber Michael, Siebert Reiner, Hasenclever Dirk, Barker David, Esteller Manel, Spang Rainer, Stein Harald, Trümper Lorenz, Loeffler Markus, Wessendorf Swen, Küppers Ralf, Korn Bernhard, Ballestar Esteban, Lopez-Serra Lidia, Richter Julia, Rosolowski Maciej, Wickham-Garcia Eliza, Ammerpohl Ole, Bentink Stefan, Bibikova Marina, Kreuz Markus, Berger Hilmar, Agirre Xabier, Klapper Wolfram, Hummel Michael, Hansmann Martin L, Fraga Mario F, Fan Jian-Bing, Drexler Hans G, Cogliatti Sergio B., Calvanese Vincenzo, Bernd Heinz-Wolfram, Martín-Subero José I