Prof. Bruno Weder
Clinical and MRI based predictors of prolonged dysphagia in ischemic stroke
01.01.2013Background With an incidence of approximately 55% swallowing disorders after ischemic stroke are a regular issue and can lead to complications like pneumonia, malnutrition and dehydration. The presence of dysphagia in stroke patients may be associat...
Klinische Forschung - 01.01.2013 - 31.07.2014
Projektleitung: Kägi Georg
Mitarbeiter/innen: Galovic Marian, Weder Bruno, Stöckli Sandro, Leisi Natascha, Müller Marlise, Weber Johannes
Pilot study on the effect of escitalopram on cortical plasticity and glutamate transmission in healthy subjects: A neurophysiological and Magnet Resonance Spectroscopy study
01.07.2011After ischemic stroke dynamic behavioral changes take place associated with different levels of recovery. Understanding the biological mechanisms that drive post-stroke recovery is of paramount clinical importance, since such knowledge could provide...
Klinische Forschung - 01.07.2011 - 31.05.2015
Automatisch geschlossen
Projektleitung: Kägi Georg
Mitarbeiter/innen: Weder Bruno, Wiest Roland, Slotboom Johannes
Randomisierte, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte klinische Prüfung der Phase III mit Parallelgruppen zur Beurteilung der Wirksmkeit und Sicherheit von Desmoteplase bei Patienten mit akuten ischämischem Schlaganfall DIAS III
12.03.2010Multizentrische Therapiestudie zur Anwednung von Desmoteplase
Klinische Forschung - 12.03.2010 - 31.12.2012
Projektleitung: Weder Bruno, Kägi Georg
Mitarbeiter/innen: Hundsberger Thomas, Felbecker Ansgar, Hägele-Link Stefan, Galovic Marian, Leupold Daniela
The significance of sensory function for the recovery of hand paresis after ischemic strokeThe significance of sensory function for the recovery of hand paresis after ischemic stroke
07.01.2010Background and Hypotheses Recovery of motor function after cerebral ischemic infarction, occurring over weeks or months, is most probably due to reorganization of the underlying neuronal networks (7). Both common and subject-specific patterns have be...
Klinische Forschung - 07.01.2010 - 07.01.2010
Automatisch geschlossen
Projektleitung: Weder Bruno
Mitarbeiter/innen: Abela Eugenio