Susanne Nigg
Exploring the impact of hexagonal boron nitride (nanomedicines) on bacterial quorum sensing communication and its consequences on bacterial lung invasionand pathogenesis
03.01.2023In this interdisciplinary collaboration between Empa's Laboratory for Particles-Biology Interactions (Particles@Barriers subgroup) and the KSSG (Infektiologie/Spitalhygiene), we aim to study whether hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) could modulate host-i...
Grundlagenforschung - 03.01.2023 - 02.01.2024
Automatisch geschlossen
Projektleitung: Albrich Werner, Bürki-Turnherr Tina, Kahlert Christian
Mitarbeiter/innen: Nigg Susanne
Fluorescence-based rapid diagnostic tool for sensitive and selective Detection Of uReaSeproducing bacTEria causing ventilator-associated Pneumonia - DOORSTEP
Grundlagenforschung - 02.05.2022 - 01.05.2023
Automatisch geschlossen
Projektleitung: Giovannini G
Mitarbeiter/innen: Kahlert Christian, Nigg Susanne