H C Reinecker
Novel chemokine ligand-receptor targets for the treatment of intestinal inflammation
Brand S, Reinecker H. Novel chemokine ligand-receptor targets for the treatment of intestinal inflammation. In: Helicobacter meets inflammatory bowel disease. Tokyo: Medical Tribune Inc., 2002.
01.01.2002Novel chemokine ligand-receptor targets for the treatment of intestinal inflammation
01.01.2002Medical Tribune Inc.
Brand Stephan, Reinecker H C
Mucosal barrier and immune mediators
Sakaguchi T, Brand S, Reinecker H. Mucosal barrier and immune mediators. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2001; 17:573-7.
01.11.2001Mucosal barrier and immune mediators
01.11.2001Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2001; 17:573-7
Sakaguchi T, Brand Stephan, Reinecker H C