Jürgen Knapp
Hyperoxaemia in acute trauma is common and associated with a longer hospital stay: a multicentre retrospective cohort study.
Iten M, Pietsch U, Knapp J, Jakob D, Krummrey G, Maschmann C, Steinmetz J, Arleth T, Müller-Nurasyid M, Hautz W. Hyperoxaemia in acute trauma is common and associated with a longer hospital stay: a multicentre retrospective cohort study. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2024; 32:75.
21.08.2024Hyperoxaemia in acute trauma is common and associated with a longer hospital stay: a multicentre retrospective cohort study.
21.08.2024Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2024; 32:75
Iten Manuela, Pietsch Urs, Knapp Jürgen, Jakob Dominik Andreas, Krummrey Gert, Maschmann Christian, Steinmetz Jacob, Arleth Tobias, Müller-Nurasyid Martina, Hautz Wolf E
Accuracy between prehospital and hospital diagnosis in helicopter emergency medical services and its consequences for trauma care.
Müller-Nurasyid M, Hautz W, Louma Y, Knapp J, Schnüriger B, Simmen H, Pietsch U, Jakob D, Swiss Trauma Board. Accuracy between prehospital and hospital diagnosis in helicopter emergency medical services and its consequences for trauma care. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2024
02.04.2024Accuracy between prehospital and hospital diagnosis in helicopter emergency medical services and its consequences for trauma care.
02.04.2024Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2024
Müller-Nurasyid Martina, Hautz Wolf E, Louma Yves, Knapp Jürgen, Schnüriger Beat, Simmen Hans-Peter, Pietsch Urs, Jakob Dominik A, Swiss Trauma Board
Pre-hospital endotracheal intubation in severe traumatic brain injury: ventilation targets and mortality-a retrospective analysis of 308 patients.
Knapp J, Doppmann P, Huber M, Meuli L, Albrecht R, Sollid S, Pietsch U. Pre-hospital endotracheal intubation in severe traumatic brain injury: ventilation targets and mortality-a retrospective analysis of 308 patients. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2023; 31:46.
12.09.2023Pre-hospital endotracheal intubation in severe traumatic brain injury: ventilation targets and mortality-a retrospective analysis of 308 patients.
12.09.2023Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2023; 31:46
Knapp Jürgen, Doppmann Pascal, Huber Markus, Meuli Lorenz, Albrecht Roland, Sollid Stephen J M, Pietsch Urs
Airway management in a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS): a retrospective observational study of 365 out-of-hospital intubations
Pietsch U, Müllner R, Theiler L, Wenzel V, Meuli L, Knapp J, Sollid S, Albrecht R. Airway management in a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS): a retrospective observational study of 365 out-of-hospital intubations. BMC Emerg Med 2022; 22:23.
08.02.2022Airway management in a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS): a retrospective observational study of 365 out-of-hospital intubations
08.02.2022BMC Emerg Med 2022; 22:23
Pietsch Urs, Müllner Raphael, Theiler Lorenz, Wenzel Volker, Meuli Lorenz, Knapp Jürgen, Sollid Stephen J M, Albrecht Roland
Incidence and challenges of helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) rescue missions with helicopter hoist operations: analysis of 11,228 daytime and nighttime missions in Switzerland
Pietsch U, Becker S, Wenzel V, Rauch S, Sollid S, Tissi M, Lischke V, Meuli L, Mann M, Knapp J, Albrecht R. Incidence and challenges of helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) rescue missions with helicopter hoist operations: analysis of 11,228 daytime and nighttime missions in Switzerland. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021; 29:92.
12.07.2021Incidence and challenges of helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) rescue missions with helicopter hoist operations: analysis of 11,228 daytime and nighttime missions in Switzerland
12.07.2021Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021; 29:92
Pietsch Urs, Becker Stefan, Wenzel Volker, Rauch Simon, Sollid Stephen, Tissi Mario, Lischke Volker, Meuli Lorenz, Mann Michael, Knapp Jürgen, Albrecht Roland
End-tidal to arterial carbon dioxide gradient is associated with increased mortality in patients with traumatic brain injury: a retrospective observational study
Doppmann P, Meuli L, Sollid S, Filipovic M, Knapp J, Exadaktylos A, Albrecht R, Pietsch U. End-tidal to arterial carbon dioxide gradient is associated with increased mortality in patients with traumatic brain injury: a retrospective observational study. Sci Rep 2021; 11:10391.
17.05.2021End-tidal to arterial carbon dioxide gradient is associated with increased mortality in patients with traumatic brain injury: a retrospective observational study
17.05.2021Sci Rep 2021; 11:10391
Doppmann Pascal, Meuli Lorenz, Sollid Stephen J M, Filipovic Miodrag, Knapp Jürgen, Exadaktylos Aristomenis, Albrecht Roland, Pietsch Urs
Analysis of tracheal intubation in out-of-hospital helicopter emergency medicine recorded by video laryngoscopy
Knapp J, Eberle B, Bernhard M, Theiler L, Pietsch U, Albrecht R. Analysis of tracheal intubation in out-of-hospital helicopter emergency medicine recorded by video laryngoscopy. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021; 29:49.
17.03.2021Analysis of tracheal intubation in out-of-hospital helicopter emergency medicine recorded by video laryngoscopy
17.03.2021Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2021; 29:49
Knapp Jürgen, Eberle Bettina, Bernhard Michael, Theiler Lorenz, Pietsch Urs, Albrecht Roland
[In-cabin rapid sequence induction : Experience from alpine air rescue on reduction of the prehospital time]
Knapp J, Venetz P, Pietsch U. [In-cabin rapid sequence induction : Experience from alpine air rescue on reduction of the prehospital time]. Anaesthesist 2021
08.03.2021[In-cabin rapid sequence induction : Experience from alpine air rescue on reduction of the prehospital time]
08.03.2021Anaesthesist 2021
Knapp Jürgen, Venetz Philipp, Pietsch Urs
Pre-hospital care & interfacility transport of 385 COVID-19 emergency patients: an air ambulance perspective
Hilbert-Carius P, Rognås L, Adamczuk P, Pietsch U, Braun D, Dandrifosse D, Knapp J, Adler J, Abu-Zidan F, Braun J, Albrecht R. Pre-hospital care & interfacility transport of 385 COVID-19 emergency patients: an air ambulance perspective. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020; 28:94.
22.09.2020Pre-hospital care & interfacility transport of 385 COVID-19 emergency patients: an air ambulance perspective
22.09.2020Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020; 28:94
Hilbert-Carius Peter, Rognås Leif, Adamczuk Patrick, Pietsch Urs, Braun Désirée, Dandrifosse Didier, Knapp Jürgen, Adler Jörn, Abu-Zidan Fikri, Braun Jörg, Albrecht Roland
Mechanical chest compression devices in the helicopter emergency medical service in Switzerland
Pietsch U, Reiser D, Wenzel V, Knapp J, Tissi M, Theiler L, Rauch S, Meuli L, Albrecht R. Mechanical chest compression devices in the helicopter emergency medical service in Switzerland. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020; 28:71.
25.07.2020Mechanical chest compression devices in the helicopter emergency medical service in Switzerland
25.07.2020Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020; 28:71
Pietsch Urs, Reiser David, Wenzel Volker, Knapp Jürgen, Tissi Mario, Theiler Lorenz, Rauch Simon, Meuli Lorenz, Albrecht Roland
Transport of COVID-19 and other highly contagious patients by helicopter and fixed-wing air ambulance: a narrative review and experience of the Swiss air rescue Rega
Albrecht R, Knapp J, Theiler L, Eder M, Pietsch U. Transport of COVID-19 and other highly contagious patients by helicopter and fixed-wing air ambulance: a narrative review and experience of the Swiss air rescue Rega. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020; 28:40.
14.05.2020Transport of COVID-19 and other highly contagious patients by helicopter and fixed-wing air ambulance: a narrative review and experience of the Swiss air rescue Rega
14.05.2020Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020; 28:40
Albrecht Roland, Knapp Jürgen, Theiler Lorenz, Eder Marcus, Pietsch Urs
Challenges of helicopter mountain rescue missions by human external cargo: need for physicians onsite and comprehensive training
Pietsch U, Strapazzon G, Ambühl D, Lischke V, Rauch S, Knapp J. Challenges of helicopter mountain rescue missions by human external cargo: need for physicians onsite and comprehensive training. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2019; 27:17.
13.02.2019Challenges of helicopter mountain rescue missions by human external cargo: need for physicians onsite and comprehensive training
13.02.2019Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2019; 27:17
Pietsch Urs, Strapazzon Giacomo, Ambühl Dimitri, Lischke Volker, Rauch Simon, Knapp Jürgen
Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion in Mountain Rescue Operations
Knapp J, Pietsch U, Kreuzer O, Hossfeld B, Bernhard M, Lier H. Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion in Mountain Rescue Operations. Air Med J 2018; 37:392-399.
21.09.2018Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion in Mountain Rescue Operations
21.09.2018Air Med J 2018; 37:392-399
Knapp Jürgen, Pietsch Urs, Kreuzer Oliver, Hossfeld Björn, Bernhard Michael, Lier Heiko
Advanced airway management in hoist and longline operations in mountain HEMS - considerations in austere environments: a narrative review This review is endorsed by the International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine (ICAR MEDCOM)
Pietsch U, Knapp J, Kreuzer O, Ney L, Strapazzon G, Lischke V, Albrecht R, Phillips P, Rauch S. Advanced airway management in hoist and longline operations in mountain HEMS - considerations in austere environments: a narrative review This review is endorsed by the International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine (ICAR MEDCOM). Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2018; 26:23.
03.04.2018Advanced airway management in hoist and longline operations in mountain HEMS - considerations in austere environments: a narrative review This review is endorsed by the International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine (ICAR MEDCOM)
03.04.2018Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2018; 26:23
Pietsch Urs, Knapp Jürgen, Kreuzer Oliver, Ney Ludwig, Strapazzon Giacomo, Lischke Volker, Albrecht Roland, Phillips Patrick, Rauch Simon
Simulation-Based Training in Mountain Helicopter Emergency Medical Service: A Multidisciplinary Team Training Concept
Pietsch U, Knapp J, Ney L, Berner A, Lischke V. Simulation-Based Training in Mountain Helicopter Emergency Medical Service: A Multidisciplinary Team Training Concept. Air Med J 2016; 35:301-4.
01.07.2016Simulation-Based Training in Mountain Helicopter Emergency Medical Service: A Multidisciplinary Team Training Concept
01.07.2016Air Med J 2016; 35:301-4
Pietsch Urs, Knapp Jürgen, Ney Ludwig, Berner Armin, Lischke Volker