Dr. Lucas Onder

Institute of Immunobiology


Senior Scientist/Post-Doc at Institute of Immunobiology, Medical Research Center, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Switzerland

Profile Function

scientist (post doc)

Research Area

Immunobiology, Developmental Biology, Stromal cell biology;
Topics: The function and development of secondary lymphoid organs, The role of tumor suppressive stromal cells in the tumor microenvironment;

Former Positions

2007-2012 Doctoral Student at Institute of Immunobiology

2007-2012 Doctoral Student at Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland;

Doctoral Thesis: Dissecting the function of lymphoid organ stromal cells in vivo

2001-2007 Master studies in Molecular Biology and Developmental Biology, University of Innsbruck, Austria;

Diploma Thesis: Genetic interactions of pdx1 and hlxb9 in beta-cell formation and regeneration in zebrafish (supervision: Prof. Dirk Meyer, Institute of Molecular Biology)

2006 Trainee at Daniel Swarovski Laboratory, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria;

Topic: The role of Akt and BRAF in oncogenesis (supervision: Prof. Jakob Troppmair)


2013 Silver Medal of the ETH Zurich for outstanding PhD Thesis

2014 Travel support and Posterprize at Thymoz Meeting, Heron Island, Australia

2011 Best oral presentation at World Immune Regulation Meeting (WIRM), Davos, Switzerland


Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SSAI/SGAI)

Additional Information

Selected Publications:

Onder L et al., Lymphatic Endothelial Cells control Initiation of Lymph Node Organogenesis, Immunity, 2017

Novkovic M and Onder L, et al., Topological Small-World Organization of the Fibroblastic Reticular Cell Network Determines Lymph Node Functionality, Plos Biology, 2016, PMID: 27415420

Onder L, et al., Alternative NF-κB signaling regulates mTEC differentiation from podoplanin-expressing precursors in the cortico-medullary junction, European Journal of Immunology, 2015, PMID: 25973789

Chai Q and Onder L, et al., Maturation of lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells from myofibroblastic precursors is critical for antiviral immunity, Immunity, 2013, PMID: 23623380

Onder L, et al., Endothelial cell-specific lymphotoxin-β receptor signaling is critical for lymph node and high endothelial venule formation, The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2013, PMID: 23420877

Onder L, et al., IL-7-producing stromal cells are critical for lymph node remodelling, Blood, 2012, PMID: 22955921