
Integrative oncology in anthroposophic medicine - concept, research and clinical practice

Präsentation/Vortrag - 03.07.2017

Schlagwörter (Tags)
Integrative Oncology, Anthroposophic Medicine

Schad F, Schlaeppi M, Krötz M, Büssing A, Matthes H, Bar-Sela G (2017). Integrative oncology in anthroposophic medicine - concept, research and clinical practice. Präsentiert bei: World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017, Berlin
Präsentation/Vortrag (Englisch)
Name der Veranstaltung
World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017 (Berlin)

For decades Anthroposophic Medicine (AM) has provided integrative concepts in cancer care. In hospitals as well as ambulant settings multimodal integrative oncology (IO) treatment options have been developed combining high quality provision of conventional cancer treatment with art therapies, movement therapies, eurythmy therapy and mind body interventions. In addition, therapeutic nursing interventions, rhythmical massage, psycho-oncology and mistletoe treatment complement daily care. Based on guideline orientated medicine, central aspects are the individualized approach, the relationship between professionals and patients, health related quality of life and patient orientation. Further development of academic structures and research and exchange with other integrative concepts are future challenges. The World Congress of Integrative Medicine and Health 2017 (WCIMH) in Berlin, Germany provides the necessary platform to address these aspects of IO.
Individual aspects, concepts and clinical practice of IO in Anthroposophic healthcare will be subsequently deepened in a first WCIMH discussion panel consisting of physicians from European healthcare institutions which have successfully implemented and exercised IO concepts.
The panel provides recent data from various fields of IO and AM: clinical outcome of advanced and metastatic pancreatic cancer treated with standard and IO concepts in a certified cancer center, multimodal treatment concepts and perspectives of chronic fatigue in breast cancer patients, and spiritual needs of oncological patients. Furthermore, research and clinical approaches of IO through the example of Swiss, Israeli and German hospitals and the implementation in AM concepts will be introduced and discussed.
Addressing academization and implementation of IO concepts in Anthroposophic healthcare a discussion panel of the WCIMH world congress 2017 was set up to deepen and discuss results of actual studies, individual approaches, concepts and clinical practice in this field.