
Diagnostic Node (Dode) Trees in Radiation Oncology Therapy Decisions


Präsentation/Vortrag - 26.11.2009

Schlagwörter (Tags)
Dodes "Diagnostic Nodes" tree mind mapping radiation oncology

Putora P (2009). Diagnostic Node (Dode) Trees in Radiation Oncology Therapy Decisions - [Poster]. Präsentiert bei: 26. Jahrestagung der Öster. Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie, Wien
Präsentation/Vortrag (Deutsch)
Name der Veranstaltung
26. Jahrestagung der Öster. Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie (Wien)

Treatment recommendations, while useful for routine practice, are difficult to compare or update. Reformulating the argumentation of a guideline is tenuous in written form. Internal conflicts within the recommendation may arise.
To clarify recommendations a tree with nodes can be used. These Diagnotistic nODEs (Dodes) contain basic features of linked nodes forming a tree. Dodes contain diagnostic parameters as well as therapeutic recommendations. While browsing down the tree an end-Dode is reached, the collected treatment recommendations become the recommendation for a specific set of parameters.
Simple software can be used to display the Dodes and move the client through the tree according to parameters, collecting treatment recommendations on the way, until the end-Dode is reached. The Dode system provides a clear representation and requires that all combinations of parameters are dealt with.
Diagnostic Node (Dode) trees represent a valuable tool in defining clear treatment decisions. Due to the similar format of treatment decisions of most treatments in radiation oncology, specific parameters can be chosen (e.g. dose, fractions, frequency). A further advantage is the comparability of treatment recommendations as well as the flexibility and easy updatability of specific clinic standards. The Dode representation of one clinic can also highlight new parameters used in decision making, which may have not yet been considered by other clinics. The Dode concept can be easily implemented with individual software solutions or available mind mapping software.