[The interdisciplinary Microsurgeon - Results of the Consensus Workshop of the German Speaking Society for Microsurgery of Peripheral Nerves and Vessels].
Schmidt V, Hirsch T, Osinga R, Kotsougiani D, Schaefer D, Pierer G, Kolbenschlag J, Hülsemann W, Kneser U, Lehnhardt M. [The interdisciplinary Microsurgeon - Results of the Consensus Workshop of the German Speaking Society for Microsurgery of Peripheral Nerves and Vessels]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2019; 51:295-301.
[The interdisciplinary Microsurgeon - Results of the Consensus Workshop of the German Speaking Society for Microsurgery of Peripheral Nerves and Vessels].
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2019; 51:295-301
Schmidt Volker, Hirsch Tobias, Osinga Rik, Kotsougiani Dimitra, Schaefer Dirk J, Pierer Gerhard, Kolbenschlag Jonas, Hülsemann Wiebke, Kneser Ulrich, Lehnhardt Marcus