Incidence and characteristics of major adverse events in continuous peripheral nerve block analgesia: A single-centre outcome analysis of 10 638 cases in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
Klinqler G, Senn M, Imboden P, Rüst C, Schnider T, Filipovic M. Incidence and characteristics of major adverse events in continuous peripheral nerve block analgesia: A single-centre outcome analysis of 10 638 cases in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 39:631-633.
Incidence and characteristics of major adverse events in continuous peripheral nerve block analgesia: A single-centre outcome analysis of 10 638 cases in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 39:631-633
Klinqler Gabriela, Senn Martina, Imboden Paul, Rüst Christoph A, Schnider Thomas W, Filipovic Miodraq