Clinical data for paediatric research: the Swiss approach : Proceedings of the National Symposium in Bern, Switzerland, Dec 5-6, 2019
Rakic M, Kaiser D, Kopp M, Lauener R, Neuhaus T, Paioni P, Posfay-Barbe K, Ramelli G, Simeoni U, Simonetti G, Sokollik C, Spycher B, Kahlert C, Heininger U, Jaboyedoff M, Bachmann S, Christoph B, Diezi M, do Canto P, Forrest C, Frey U, Fuchs O, Gervaix A, Gluecksberg A, Grotzer M, Kuehni C. Clinical data for paediatric research: the Swiss approach : Proceedings of the National Symposium in Bern, Switzerland, Dec 5-6, 2019. BMC Proc 2021; 15:19.
Clinical data for paediatric research: the Swiss approach : Proceedings of the National Symposium in Bern, Switzerland, Dec 5-6, 2019
BMC Proc 2021; 15:19
Rakic Milenko, Kaiser Daniela, Kopp Matthias V, Lauener Roger, Neuhaus Thomas J, Paioni Paolo, Posfay-Barbe Klara, Ramelli Gian Paolo, Simeoni Umberto, Simonetti Giacomo, Sokollik Christiane, Spycher Ben D, Kahlert Christian, Heininger Ulrich, Jaboyedoff Manon, Bachmann Sara, Christoph Berger, Diezi Manuel, do Canto Philipp, Forrest Christopher B, Frey Urs, Fuchs Oliver, Gervaix Alain, Gluecksberg Amalia Stefani, Grotzer Michael, Kuehni Claudia E