
Disfiguring annular sarcoidosis improved by adalimumab

Journal Paper/Review - May 17, 2011


Kaiser C, Cozzio A, Hofbauer G, Kamarashev J, French L, Navarini A. Disfiguring annular sarcoidosis improved by adalimumab. Case Rep Dermatol 2011; 3:103-6.
Journal Paper/Review (English)
Case Rep Dermatol 2011; 3
Publication Date
May 17, 2011
Issn Electronic
Brief description/objective

Depending on the location, dermatoses can produce blemishes that severely impair quality of life and require highly effective treatment that is otherwise used for extensive skin involvement. We report the case of a 39-year-old, otherwise healthy male disfigured by an 8 × 7-cm hypopigmented and centrally atrophic annular plaque with erythematous indurated borders in an area of scar tissue on his forehead. Skin biopsies revealed non-caseating granulomas, and hilar involvement was identified, leading to the diagnosis of systemic sarcoidosis stage II with cutaneous involvement. The lesions proved resistant to multiple therapies, but responded within 4 months to adalimumab with regression of the lesion and inflammatory infiltrate. The visual analogue scale of disease activity decreased from 7/10 to 3.5/10, and the Dermatology Life Quality Index from 16/30 to 3/30 points. In conclusion, TNF-α inhibition can control inflammation and disfigurement by cutaneous sarcoidosis and restore quality of life.