
Changes in tumour biological markers during primary systemic chemotherapy (PST)

Journal Paper/Review - Mar 3, 2008


Hornung R, Neubauer H, Gall C, Vogel U, Wallwiener D, Solomayer E, Fehm T. Changes in tumour biological markers during primary systemic chemotherapy (PST). International Institute of Anticancer Research 2008; 28:1797-1804.
Journal Paper/Review (English)
International Institute of Anticancer Research 2008; 28
Publication Date
Mar 3, 2008
Brief description/objective

Background: The influence of primary systemic therapy (PST) on the expression of relevant therapeutic markers is still under investigation. Patients and Methods: Corresponding “baseline” biopsies and post-chemotherapy surgical specimens from 87 patients treated with neoadjuvant anthracycline- or taxane-based chemotherapy were analysed for the expression of the oestrogen receptor (ER), the progesterone receptor (PR), the B-cell lymphoma protein 2 (Bcl-2), the v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2 (Her2/neu), the tumour protein p53 and the proliferation-related Ki-67 antigen. Results: The pathological response rate was 70% . Twenty-three tumours (26% ) changed hormone receptor classification after chemotherapy (7, ER; 16 PR). A significant change was also observed for Her2/neu status. Eleven tumours which were positive prior to PST down-regulated Her2/neu after chemotherapy. The median Ki-67 index decreased from 30% before to 13% after treatment (p<0.01). Minor changes were observed in the expression of Bcl-2 and p53 (9% ). Only the reduction of Ki-67 was associated with pathological response to PST. Conclusion: Her2/neu status as well as ER and PR status should be re-evaluated on post-chemotherapy surgical specimens since changes can be observed.