[Smoking behaviour and willingness to stop smoking in patients admitted in an internal medicine ward]
Journal Paper/Review - Apr 27, 2011
Miedinger D, Drescher Tilman, Nester N, Zeller A, von Garnier C, Leuppi J D
Publication Date
Issn Print
Brief description/objective
Smoking is one of the leading preventable risk factors for the development of lung-, cardio-vascular diseases and cancer. We report results of a prospective survey regarding smoking behaviour and willingness to stop smoking in patients of an internal medicine clinic. Twenty percent of participants admitted smoking cigarettes in the previous 7 days. Smokers were more often males and were younger than non- or ex-smokers. Every second smoker reported being told to stop smoking by a physician before but only about a third was offered active support in doing so. About half of the smoking participants were interested to quit smoking and to participate in a hospital-based smoking cessation program. In patients admitted to the hospital, smoking behaviour and willingness to quit smoking should be recorded and help in quitting smoking should be offered actively. Beside recording smoking behaviour and willingness to quit, patients who are admitted in the hospital should be offered help to quit smoking or to join a proactive structured smoking cessation program.