Use of EORTC target definition guidelines for dose-intensified salvage radiation therapy for recurrent prostate cancer: results of the quality assurance program of the randomized trial SAKK 09/10
Journal Paper/Review - Aug 22, 2013
Sassowsky Manfred, Takacs Istvan, Reuter Christiane, Sumila Marcin, Manser Peter, Ost Piet, Böhmer Dirk, Pilop Christiane, Aebersold Daniel M, Plasswilm Ludwig, Azinwi Ngwa C, Zwahlen Daniel R, Gut Philipp, Hölscher Tobias, Hildebrandt Guido, Müller Arndt-Christian, Najafi Yousef, Kohler Götz, Kranzbühler Helmut, Guckenberger Matthias, Ghadjar Pirus