
Monocytoid/marginal zone B-cell differentiation in follicle centre cell lymphoma

Journal Paper/Review - Sep 1, 1996


Schmid U, Cogliatti S, Diss T, Isaacson P. Monocytoid/marginal zone B-cell differentiation in follicle centre cell lymphoma. Histopathology 1996; 29:201-8.
Journal Paper/Review (English)
Histopathology 1996; 29
Publication Date
Sep 1, 1996
Issn Print
Brief description/objective

We report on two cases of low grade follicle centre cell lymphoma with a pronounced parafollicular monocytoid/ marginal zone B-cell component. One patient had a history of preceeding follicular high grade B-cell lymphoma of centroblastic type showing the same light chain restriction and identical immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement as the low grade lymphoma diagnosed 15 months later. Morphologically, in both cases the two constituents of the low grade tumours were clearly distinguishable. Immunohistochemically, the follicular component strongly expressed bcl-2 protein in contrast to a weak staining of the marginal zone B-cell component. Performing PCR, a rearrangement of the major breakpoint region of bcl-2 was not found. Identical light chain restriction of the follicular and the monocytoid B-cell/marginal zone components strongly indicates a clonal relationship between them. A monocytoid/marginal zone B-cell component in follicular lymphoma probably results from differentiation of the follicle centre cells and does not indicate a composite lymphoma.