
The Swiss Approach - feasibility of a national low-dose CT lung cancer screening program.

Journal Paper/Review - Apr 14, 2022


Jungblut L, von Garnier C, Puhan M, Tomonaga Y, Kaufmann C, Azzola A, Bürgi U, Bremerich J, Brutsche M, Christe A, Ebner L, Heverhagen J, Eich C, Franzen D, Schmitt-Opitz I, Schneiter D, Spieldenner J, Horwath N, Kohler M, Weder W, Lovis A, Meuli R, Menig M, Beigelmann-Aubry C, Niemann T, Stöhr S, Vock P, Senn O, Neuner-Jehle S, Selby K, Laures S, Otto S, Frauenfelder T. The Swiss Approach - feasibility of a national low-dose CT lung cancer screening program. Swiss Med Wkly 2022; 152
Journal Paper/Review (English)
Swiss Med Wkly 2022; 152
Publication Date
Apr 14, 2022
Issn Electronic
Brief description/objective

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Switzerland. Despite this, there is no lung cancer screening program in the country. In the United States, low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening is partially established and endorsed by guidelines. Moreover, evidence is growing that screening reduces lung cancer-related mortality and this was recently shown in a large European randomized controlled trial. Implementation of a lung cancer screening program, however, is challenging and depends on many country-specific factors. The goal of this article is to outline a potential Swiss lung cancer screening program.