A Bordoni
Treatment of breast cancer in the elderly: a prospective, population-based Swiss study
Jörger M, Jundt G, Probst-Hensch N, Bordoni A, Konzelmann I, Bouchardy C, Vlastos G, Lütolf U, Rageth C, Frick H, Savidan A, Thürlimann B, Ess S. Treatment of breast cancer in the elderly: a prospective, population-based Swiss study. J Geriatr Oncol 2012; 4:39-47.
Aug 24, 2012Treatment of breast cancer in the elderly: a prospective, population-based Swiss study
Aug 24, 2012J Geriatr Oncol 2012; 4:39-47
Jörger Markus, Jundt G, Probst-Hensch N, Bordoni A, Konzelmann I, Bouchardy C, Vlastos G, Lütolf U, Rageth C, Frick H, Savidan A, Thürlimann Beat, Ess S
Patterns of care of breast cancer patients in Switzerland: A population based study
Ess S, Savidan A, Bouchardy C, Bordoni A, Konzelmann I, Jundt G, Probst N, Frick H, Thürlimann B. Patterns of care of breast cancer patients in Switzerland: A population based study - Advisory Board: Bachmann G, St.Gallen (Public Health), Lütolf U, Zurich (Radio Oncology), Obrist R, Sion (Medical Oncology), Rageth Ch, Zurich (Breast Surgery), Vlastos G, Geneva (Breast Surgery), Thürlimann B, St.Gallen (Medical Oncology). http://www.krebsliga-sg.ch/de/krebsregister/index.cfm 2009
Jan 1, 2009Patterns of care of breast cancer patients in Switzerland: A population based study
Jan 1, 2009http://www.krebsliga-sg.ch/de/krebsregister/index.cfm 2009
Ess S, Savidan A, Bouchardy Ch, Bordoni A, Konzelmann I, Jundt G, Probst N, Frick H, Thürlimann Beat