Javier Añon
Long-Term Hemorrhage and Reperfusion Rates of Coiled Aneurysms: A Single-Center Experience.
Andereggen L, Bosshart S, Marbacher S, Grüter B, Berberat J, Schubert G, Añon J, Diepers M, Steiger H, Remonda L, Philipp G. Long-Term Hemorrhage and Reperfusion Rates of Coiled Aneurysms: A Single-Center Experience. J Clin Med 2024; 13
Sep 3, 2024Long-Term Hemorrhage and Reperfusion Rates of Coiled Aneurysms: A Single-Center Experience.
Sep 3, 2024J Clin Med 2024; 13
Andereggen Lukas, Bosshart Salome L, Marbacher Serge, Grüter Basil, Berberat Jatta, Schubert Gerrit A, Añon Javier, Diepers Michael, Steiger Hans-Jakob, Remonda Luca, Philipp Gruber
Intra-aneurysmal contrast agent stasis during intraoperative digital subtraction angiography may predict long-term occlusion after clipping.
Grüter B, Catalano K, Añon J, Philipp G, Thanabalasingam A, Andereggen L, Schubert G, Remonda L, Marbacher S. Intra-aneurysmal contrast agent stasis during intraoperative digital subtraction angiography may predict long-term occlusion after clipping. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2024; 166:309.
Jul 30, 2024Intra-aneurysmal contrast agent stasis during intraoperative digital subtraction angiography may predict long-term occlusion after clipping.
Jul 30, 2024Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2024; 166:309
Grüter Basil, Catalano Kristina, Añon Javier, Philipp Gruber, Thanabalasingam Arjun, Andereggen Lukas, Schubert Gerrit A, Remonda Luca, Marbacher Serge
Incidence and Outcome of Peri-interventional Vasospasm During Endovascular or Microsurgical Treatment of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms.
Grüter B, Wanderer S, Andereggen L, Tortora A, Philipp G, Añon J, Diepers M, Schubert G, Remonda L, Marbacher S. Incidence and Outcome of Peri-interventional Vasospasm During Endovascular or Microsurgical Treatment of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms. Neurosurgery 2022; 92:599-606.
Dec 2, 2022Incidence and Outcome of Peri-interventional Vasospasm During Endovascular or Microsurgical Treatment of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms.
Dec 2, 2022Neurosurgery 2022; 92:599-606
Grüter Basil, Wanderer Stefan, Andereggen Lukas, Tortora Angelo, Philipp Gruber, Añon Javier, Diepers Michael, Schubert Gerrit A, Remonda Luca, Marbacher Serge
Interrater and intrarater agreement superior for three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography (3D-DSA) over 2D-DSA classification for detecting remnants after intracranial aneurysm clipping, a GRRAS Reliability and Agreement Study.
Halter M, Wanderer S, Grüter B, Añon J, Diepers M, Philipp G, Andereggen L, Remonda L, Marbacher S. Interrater and intrarater agreement superior for three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography (3D-DSA) over 2D-DSA classification for detecting remnants after intracranial aneurysm clipping, a GRRAS Reliability and Agreement Study. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2022; 164:2173-2179.
Mar 3, 2022Interrater and intrarater agreement superior for three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography (3D-DSA) over 2D-DSA classification for detecting remnants after intracranial aneurysm clipping, a GRRAS Reliability and Agreement Study.
Mar 3, 2022Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2022; 164:2173-2179
Halter Matthias, Wanderer Stefan, Grüter Basil, Añon Javier, Diepers Michael, Philipp Gruber, Andereggen Lukas, Remonda Luca, Marbacher Serge
Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula following mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke: a rare complication.
Grüter B, Kahles T, Añon J, Berberat J, Andereggen L, Killer H, Philipp G. Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula following mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke: a rare complication. Neuroradiology 2021; 63:1149-1152.
Mar 23, 2021Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula following mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke: a rare complication.
Mar 23, 2021Neuroradiology 2021; 63:1149-1152
Grüter Basil, Kahles Timo, Añon Javier, Berberat Jatta, Andereggen Lukas, Killer H E, Philipp Gruber
Mechanical thrombectomy using the new Tigertriever in acute ischemic stroke patients - A Swiss prospective multicenter study
Philipp G, Liebeskind D, Nedeltchev K, Berberat J, Añon J, Kahles T, Weber J, von Hessling A, Diepers M, Remonda L. Mechanical thrombectomy using the new Tigertriever in acute ischemic stroke patients - A Swiss prospective multicenter study. Interv Neuroradiol 2020; 26:598-601.
Jul 27, 2020Mechanical thrombectomy using the new Tigertriever in acute ischemic stroke patients - A Swiss prospective multicenter study
Jul 27, 2020Interv Neuroradiol 2020; 26:598-601
Philipp Gruber, Liebeskind David S, Nedeltchev Krassen, Berberat Jatta, Añon Javier, Kahles Timo, Weber Johannes, von Hessling Alexander, Diepers Michael, Remonda Luca
An endovascular assisted, nonocclusive cerebral bypass: a technical feasibility study in a rabbit model.
Spiessberger A, Strange F, Grüter B, Wanderer S, Casoni D, Philipp G, Diepers M, Remonda L, Fandino J, Añon J, Marbacher S. An endovascular assisted, nonocclusive cerebral bypass: a technical feasibility study in a rabbit model. J Neurosurg 2020; 134:1846-1851.
Jun 5, 2020An endovascular assisted, nonocclusive cerebral bypass: a technical feasibility study in a rabbit model.
Jun 5, 2020J Neurosurg 2020; 134:1846-1851
Spiessberger Alexander, Strange Fabio, Grüter Basil Erwin, Wanderer Stefan, Casoni Daniela, Philipp Gruber, Diepers Michael, Remonda Luca, Fandino Javier, Añon Javier, Marbacher Serge
Emergent vs. elective stenting of carotid stenosis with intraluminal carotid thrombus
Hlavica M, Berberat J, Ineichen B, Añon J, Diepers M, Nedeltchev K, Kahles T, Remonda L. Emergent vs. elective stenting of carotid stenosis with intraluminal carotid thrombus. J Neuroradiol 2017; 44:254-261.
Mar 22, 2017Emergent vs. elective stenting of carotid stenosis with intraluminal carotid thrombus
Mar 22, 2017J Neuroradiol 2017; 44:254-261
Hlavica Martin, Berberat Jatta, Ineichen Benjamin Victor, Añon Javier, Diepers Michael, Nedeltchev Krassen, Kahles Timo, Remonda Luca