
Several research grants support the new project at the Lungenzentrum


PD Dr. Maximilian Bösch has been awarded research funding amounting to CHF 524,750 for the project «Fiber-Boost: A Multicenter, 2:1 Randomized, Controlled Trial to Study the Effects of a High-Fiber Dietary Intervention on ctDNA Clearance and the Microbial and Immunological Landscape in Immune Checkpoint Blockade-Treated Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer». The total amount is made up of the following partial grants: CHF 374,950 (Krebsforschung Schweiz/Bern), CHF 94,800 (Lungenliga Ost/St.Gallen), CHF 35,000 (Nestlé Health Science Switzerland/Vevey) and CHF 20,000 (Swiss Cancer Foundation/Zug). The project is a multi-center investigator-initiated trial (IIT) in the field of clinical cancer research under the lead of the Lungenzentrum. The study is investigating the extent to which a high-fiber diet has a positive effect on the treatment response in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Within the Kantonsspital St.Gallen, the Lungenzentrum works closely with the Klinik für Medizinische Onkologie und Hämatologie and the CTU. External project partners include the cantonal hospitals of Graubünden and Winterthur, as well as the Universitätsspital Zürich, the Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, and Microsynth AG. Congratulations on this great achievement!