
[Differential diagnosis of breast tumors with eczematous breast changes: two rare cases]

Journal Paper/Review - May 1, 1992


von Dach B, Neuweiler J, Haller U. [Differential diagnosis of breast tumors with eczematous breast changes: two rare cases]. Helvetica chirurgica acta 1992; 59:217-20.
Journal Paper/Review (Deutsch)
Helvetica chirurgica acta 1992; 59
Publication Date
May 1, 1992
Issn Print
Brief description/objective

It is reported upon two patients who were presented to us to evaluate suspicious tumors of the breast: A 64-year-old patient had very painful tumors in both breasts measuring four centimeters in diameter with additional eczematous lesion of the left mamilla, which has developed within the last weeks. For many years she suffered of a pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) of the skin combined with arterial occlusion disease. Histologically these tumors showed necrosis and typical signs of PXE, which is to our knowledge the first case reported in literature. A 79-year-old patient showed an inverted eczematous nipple, combined with a retromamillar painless tumor of the left breast. The histology was Paget's disease with an underlaying ductal carcinoma. --The clinical picture and the diagnosis are presented, followed by the discussion and the differential diagnosis.