
Multicenter external validation of prediction models for clinical outcomes after spinal fusion for lumbar degenerative disease.

Journal Paper/Review - Jul 11, 2024


Grob A, Rohr J, Stumpo V, Vieli M, Ciobanu-Caraus O, Ricciardi L, Maldaner N, Raco A, Miscusi M, Perna A, Proietti L, Lofrese G, Dughiero M, Cultrera F, D'Andrea M, An S, Ha Y, Amelot A, Bedia Cadelo J, Viñuela-Prieto J, Gandía-González M, Girod P, Lener S, Kögl N, Abramovic A, Laux C, Farshad M, O'Riordan D, Loibl M, Galbusera F, Mannion A, Scerrati A, De Bonis P, Molliqaj G, Tessitore E, Schröder M, Stienen M, Regli L, Serra C, Staartjes V. Multicenter external validation of prediction models for clinical outcomes after spinal fusion for lumbar degenerative disease. Eur Spine J 2024
Journal Paper/Review (English)
Eur Spine J 2024
Publication Date
Jul 11, 2024
Issn Electronic
Brief description/objective

Clinical prediction models (CPM), such as the SCOAP-CERTAIN tool, can be utilized to enhance decision-making for lumbar spinal fusion surgery by providing quantitative estimates of outcomes, aiding surgeons in assessing potential benefits and risks for each individual patient. External validation is crucial in CPM to assess generalizability beyond the initial dataset. This ensures performance in diverse populations, reliability and real-world applicability of the results. Therefore, we externally validated the tool for predictability of improvement in oswestry disability index (ODI), back and leg pain (BP, LP).