First Indicator of Relapse in Testicular Cancer and Implications for Follow-up: Analysis of the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study (SAG TCCS).
Fischer S, Gillessen S, Stalder O, Terbuch A, Cathomas R, Schmid F, Zihler D, Müller-Stich B, Fankhauser C, Hirschi-Blickenstorfer A, Alex Kluth L, Seifert B, Templeton A, Mingrone W, Ufe M, Fischer N, Beyer J, Woelky R, Omlin A, Vogl U, Hoppe K, Kamradt J, Rothschild S, Rothermundt C. First Indicator of Relapse in Testicular Cancer and Implications for Follow-up: Analysis of the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study (SAG TCCS). Eur Urol Open Sci 2024; 68:68-74.
Sep 11, 2024
First Indicator of Relapse in Testicular Cancer and Implications for Follow-up: Analysis of the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study (SAG TCCS).
Sep 11, 2024
Eur Urol Open Sci 2024; 68:68-74
Fischer Stefanie, Gillessen Silke, Stalder Odile, Terbuch Angelika, Cathomas Richard, Schmid Florian, Zihler Deborah, Müller-Stich Beat P, Fankhauser Christian Daniel, Hirschi-Blickenstorfer Anita, Alex Kluth Luis, Seifert Bettina, Templeton Arnoud J, Mingrone Walter, Ufe Mark-Peter, Fischer Natalie Fischer, Beyer Jörg, Woelky Regina, Omlin Aurelius, Vogl Ursula M, Hoppe Katharina, Kamradt Jörn, Rothschild Sacha I, Rothermundt Christian