SalvGlandDx - a comprehensive salivary gland neoplasm specific next generation sequencing panel to facilitate diagnosis and identify therapeutic targets.
Freiberger S, Brada M, Fritz C, Höller S, Vogetseder A, Horcic M, Bihl M, Michal M, Lanzer M, Wartenberg M, Borner U, Bode P, Broglie M, Rordorf T, Morand G, Rupp N. SalvGlandDx - a comprehensive salivary gland neoplasm specific next generation sequencing panel to facilitate diagnosis and identify therapeutic targets. Neoplasia 2021; 23:473-487.
Apr 18, 2021
SalvGlandDx - a comprehensive salivary gland neoplasm specific next generation sequencing panel to facilitate diagnosis and identify therapeutic targets.
Apr 18, 2021
Neoplasia 2021; 23:473-487
Freiberger Sandra N, Brada Muriel, Fritz Christine, Höller Sylvia, Vogetseder Alexander, Horcic Milo, Bihl Michel, Michal Michal, Lanzer Martin, Wartenberg Martin, Borner Urs, Bode Peter K, Broglie Martina A, Rordorf Tamara, Morand Grégoire B, Rupp Niels J