Impact of smoking status on the relative efficacy of the EGFR TKI/angiogenesis inhibitor combination therapy in advanced NSCLC-a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Dafni U, Soo R, Peters S, Tsourti Z, Zygoura P, Vervita K, Han J, de Castro J, Coate L, Früh M, Hashemi S, Nadal E, Carcereny E, Sala M, Bernabé R, Provencio Pulla M, Cuffe S, Roschitzki-Voser H, Ruepp B, Rosell R, Stahel R. Impact of smoking status on the relative efficacy of the EGFR TKI/angiogenesis inhibitor combination therapy in advanced NSCLC-a systematic review and meta-analysis. ESMO Open 2022; 7:100507.
Jun 10, 2022
Impact of smoking status on the relative efficacy of the EGFR TKI/angiogenesis inhibitor combination therapy in advanced NSCLC-a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Jun 10, 2022
ESMO Open 2022; 7:100507
Dafni U, Soo R A, Peters S, Tsourti Zoi, Zygoura P, Vervita K, Han J-Y, de Castro J, Coate L, Früh M, Hashemi S M S, Nadal E, Carcereny E, Sala M A, Bernabé R, Provencio Pulla M, Cuffe S, Roschitzki-Voser H, Ruepp B, Rosell R, Stahel R A