Galina Farina Fischer
Patient autonomy and shared decision-making in the context of clinical trial participation.
Dennstädt F, Putora P, Iseli T, Treffers T, Panje C, Fischer G. Patient autonomy and shared decision-making in the context of clinical trial participation. Eur J Clin Invest 2024; 54:e14291.
Jul 31, 2024Patient autonomy and shared decision-making in the context of clinical trial participation.
Jul 31, 2024Eur J Clin Invest 2024; 54:e14291
Dennstädt Fabio, Putora Paul Martin, Iseli Thomas, Treffers Theresa, Panje Cédric M, Fischer Galina Farina
In Reply to Daungsupawong and Wiwanitkit.
Dennstädt F, Hastings J, Putora P, Vu E, Fischer G, Süveg K, Glatzer M, Riggenbach E, Hà H, Cihoric N. In Reply to Daungsupawong and Wiwanitkit. Adv Radiat Oncol 2024; 9:101511.
Jun 14, 2024In Reply to Daungsupawong and Wiwanitkit.
Jun 14, 2024Adv Radiat Oncol 2024; 9:101511
Dennstädt Fabio, Hastings Janna, Putora Paul Martin, Vu Erwin, Fischer Galina Farina, Süveg Krisztian, Glatzer Markus, Riggenbach Elena, Hà Hông-Linh, Cihoric Nikola
Exploring Capabilities of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT in Radiation Oncology.
Dennstädt F, Hastings J, Putora P, Vu E, Fischer G, Süveg K, Glatzer M, Riggenbach E, Hà H, Cihoric N. Exploring Capabilities of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT in Radiation Oncology. Adv Radiat Oncol 2023; 9:101400.
Nov 4, 2023Exploring Capabilities of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT in Radiation Oncology.
Nov 4, 2023Adv Radiat Oncol 2023; 9:101400
Dennstädt Fabio, Hastings Janna, Putora Paul Martin, Vu Erwin, Fischer Galina Farina, Süveg Krisztian, Glatzer Markus, Riggenbach Elena, Hà Hông-Linh, Cihoric Nikola
Postoperative radiotherapy for meningiomas - a decision-making analysis.
Fischer G, Brügge D, Andratschke N, Baumert B, Bosetti D, Caparrotti F, Herrmann E, Papachristofilou A, Rogers S, Schwyzer L, Zwahlen D, Hundsberger T, Putora P. Postoperative radiotherapy for meningiomas - a decision-making analysis. BMC cancer 2022; 22:492.
May 4, 2022Postoperative radiotherapy for meningiomas - a decision-making analysis.
May 4, 2022BMC cancer 2022; 22:492
Fischer Galina Farina, Brügge Detlef, Andratschke Nicolaus, Baumert Brigitta Gertrud, Bosetti Davide Giovanni, Caparrotti Francesca, Herrmann Evelyn, Papachristofilou Alexandros, Rogers Susanne, Schwyzer Lucia, Zwahlen Daniel Rudolf, Hundsberger Thomas, Putora Paul Martin
Role of Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer-A Review.
Süveg K, Plasswilm L, Iseli T, Leskow P, Fischer G, Putora P. Role of Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer-A Review. Cancers (Basel) 2022; 14
Mar 23, 2022Role of Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer-A Review.
Mar 23, 2022Cancers (Basel) 2022; 14
Süveg Krisztian, Plasswilm Ludwig, Iseli Thomas, Leskow Pawel, Fischer Galina Farina, Putora Paul Martin
Radiotherapy for thymic epithelial tumours: a review
Süveg K, Putora P, Jörger M, Iseli T, Fischer G, Ammann K, Glatzer M. Radiotherapy for thymic epithelial tumours: a review. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2021; 10:2088-2100.
Apr 1, 2021Radiotherapy for thymic epithelial tumours: a review
Apr 1, 2021Transl Lung Cancer Res 2021; 10:2088-2100
Süveg Krisztian, Putora Paul Martin, Jörger Markus, Iseli Thomas, Fischer Galina Farina, Ammann Karlheinz, Glatzer Markus