Odile Stalder
First Indicator of Relapse in Testicular Cancer and Implications for Follow-up: Analysis of the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study (SAG TCCS).
Fischer S, Gillessen S, Stalder O, Terbuch A, Cathomas R, Schmid F, Zihler D, Müller-Stich B, Fankhauser C, Hirschi-Blickenstorfer A, Alex Kluth L, Seifert B, Templeton A, Mingrone W, Ufe M, Fischer N, Beyer J, Woelky R, Omlin A, Vogl U, Hoppe K, Kamradt J, Rothschild S, Rothermundt C. First Indicator of Relapse in Testicular Cancer and Implications for Follow-up: Analysis of the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study (SAG TCCS). Eur Urol Open Sci 2024; 68:68-74.
Sep 11, 2024First Indicator of Relapse in Testicular Cancer and Implications for Follow-up: Analysis of the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study (SAG TCCS).
Sep 11, 2024Eur Urol Open Sci 2024; 68:68-74
Fischer Stefanie, Gillessen Silke, Stalder Odile, Terbuch Angelika, Cathomas Richard, Schmid Florian, Zihler Deborah, Müller-Stich Beat P, Fankhauser Christian Daniel, Hirschi-Blickenstorfer Anita, Alex Kluth Luis, Seifert Bettina, Templeton Arnoud J, Mingrone Walter, Ufe Mark-Peter, Fischer Natalie Fischer, Beyer Jörg, Woelky Regina, Omlin Aurelius, Vogl Ursula M, Hoppe Katharina, Kamradt Jörn, Rothschild Sacha I, Rothermundt Christian
Prognostic Factor Risk Groups for Clinical Stage I Seminoma: An Individual Patient Data Analysis by the European Association of Urology Testicular Cancer Guidelines Panel and Guidelines Office.
Boormans J, Sylvester R, Anson-Cartwright L, Glicksman R, Hamilton R, Hahn E, Daugaard G, Lauritsen J, Wagner T, Avuzzi B, Nicolai N, del Muro X, Aparicio J, Stalder O, Rothermundt C, Fischer S, Laguna M. Prognostic Factor Risk Groups for Clinical Stage I Seminoma: An Individual Patient Data Analysis by the European Association of Urology Testicular Cancer Guidelines Panel and Guidelines Office. Eur Urol Oncol 2023
Nov 9, 2023Prognostic Factor Risk Groups for Clinical Stage I Seminoma: An Individual Patient Data Analysis by the European Association of Urology Testicular Cancer Guidelines Panel and Guidelines Office.
Nov 9, 2023Eur Urol Oncol 2023
Boormans Joost L, Sylvester Richard, Anson-Cartwright Lynn, Glicksman Rachel M, Hamilton Robert J, Hahn Ezra, Daugaard Gedske, Lauritsen Jakob, Wagner Thomas, Avuzzi Barbara, Nicolai Nicola, del Muro Xavier Garcia, Aparicio Jorge, Stalder Odile, Rothermundt Christian, Fischer Stefanie, Laguna Maria P
The Value of Tumour Markers in the Detection of Relapse-Lessons Learned from the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study.
Fischer S, Rothermundt C, Stalder O, Terbuch A, Hermanns T, Zihler D, Müller-Stich B, Fankhauser C, Hirschi-Blickenstorfer A, Seifert B, Alex Kluth L, Ufe M, Mingrone W, Templeton A, Fischer N, Rothschild S, Woelky R, Gillessen S, Cathomas R. The Value of Tumour Markers in the Detection of Relapse-Lessons Learned from the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study. Eur Urol Open Sci 2023; 50:57-60.
Feb 20, 2023The Value of Tumour Markers in the Detection of Relapse-Lessons Learned from the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study.
Feb 20, 2023Eur Urol Open Sci 2023; 50:57-60
Fischer Stefanie, Rothermundt Christian, Stalder Odile, Terbuch Angelika, Hermanns Thomas, Zihler Deborah, Müller-Stich Beat P, Fankhauser Christian Daniel, Hirschi-Blickenstorfer Anita, Seifert Bettina, Alex Kluth Luis, Ufe Mark-Peter, Mingrone Walter, Templeton Arnoud J, Fischer Natalie Fischer, Rothschild Sacha I, Woelky Regina, Gillessen Silke, Cathomas Richard
The well-being of Swiss general internal medicine residents
Zumbrunn B, Vollenweider P, Reny J, Petignat P, Huber L, Henzen C, Hayoz D, Genné D, Brändle M, Beer J, Battegay E, Bassetti S, Ballmer P, Limacher A, Stalder O, Aujesky D. The well-being of Swiss general internal medicine residents. Swiss Med Wkly 2020; 150:w20255.
Jun 18, 2020The well-being of Swiss general internal medicine residents
Jun 18, 2020Swiss Med Wkly 2020; 150:w20255
Zumbrunn Brigitta, Vollenweider Peter, Reny Jean-Luc, Petignat Pierre-Auguste, Huber Lars Chistian, Henzen Christoph, Hayoz Daniel, Genné Daniel, Brändle Michael, Beer Jürg Hans, Battegay Edouard, Bassetti Stefano, Ballmer Peter E, Limacher Andreas, Stalder Odile, Aujesky Drahomir