R A Stahel
Impact of smoking status on the relative efficacy of the EGFR TKI/angiogenesis inhibitor combination therapy in advanced NSCLC-a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Dafni U, Soo R, Peters S, Tsourti Z, Zygoura P, Vervita K, Han J, de Castro J, Coate L, Früh M, Hashemi S, Nadal E, Carcereny E, Sala M, Bernabé R, Provencio Pulla M, Cuffe S, Roschitzki-Voser H, Ruepp B, Rosell R, Stahel R. Impact of smoking status on the relative efficacy of the EGFR TKI/angiogenesis inhibitor combination therapy in advanced NSCLC-a systematic review and meta-analysis. ESMO Open 2022; 7:100507.
Jun 10, 2022Impact of smoking status on the relative efficacy of the EGFR TKI/angiogenesis inhibitor combination therapy in advanced NSCLC-a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Jun 10, 2022ESMO Open 2022; 7:100507
Dafni U, Soo R A, Peters S, Tsourti Zoi, Zygoura P, Vervita K, Han J-Y, de Castro J, Coate L, Früh M, Hashemi S M S, Nadal E, Carcereny E, Sala M A, Bernabé R, Provencio Pulla M, Cuffe S, Roschitzki-Voser H, Ruepp B, Rosell R, Stahel R A
A randomised phase II study of osimertinib and bevacizumab versus osimertinib alone as second-line targeted treatment in advanced NSCLC with confirmed EGFR and acquired T790M mutations: the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP 10-16) BOOSTER trial.
Soo R, Han J, Dafni U, Cho B, Yeo C, Nadal E, Carcereny E, de Castro J, Sala M, Bernabé R, Coate L, Provencio Pulla M, Garcia Campelo R, Cuffe S, Hashemi S, Früh M, Massuti B, Garcia-Sanchez J, Dómine M, Majem M, Sanchez-Torres J, Britschgi C, Pless M, Dimopoulou G, Roschitzki-Voser H, Ruepp B, Rosell R, Stahel R, Peters S, ETOP 10-16 BOOSTER Collaborators. A randomised phase II study of osimertinib and bevacizumab versus osimertinib alone as second-line targeted treatment in advanced NSCLC with confirmed EGFR and acquired T790M mutations: the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP 10-16) BOOSTER trial. Ann Oncol 2021; 33:181-192.
Nov 26, 2021A randomised phase II study of osimertinib and bevacizumab versus osimertinib alone as second-line targeted treatment in advanced NSCLC with confirmed EGFR and acquired T790M mutations: the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP 10-16) BOOSTER trial.
Nov 26, 2021Ann Oncol 2021; 33:181-192
Soo R A, Han J-Y, Dafni U, Cho B C, Yeo C M, Nadal E, Carcereny E, de Castro J, Sala M A, Bernabé R, Coate L, Provencio Pulla M, Garcia Campelo R, Cuffe S, Hashemi S M S, Früh M, Massuti B, Garcia-Sanchez J, Dómine M, Majem M, Sanchez-Torres J-M, Britschgi C, Pless M, Dimopoulou G, Roschitzki-Voser H, Ruepp B, Rosell R, Stahel R A, Peters S, ETOP 10-16 BOOSTER Collaborators
Circulating microRNA profiling in patients with advanced non-squamous NSCLC receiving bevacizumab/erlotinib followed by platinum-based chemotherapy at progression (SAKK 19/05)
Jörger M, Zappa F, Klingbiel D, Brauchli P, Rothschild S, Gautschi O, Pless M, Ochsenbein A, von Moos R, Betticher D, Stahel R, Droege C, Früh M, Baty F, Brutsche M. Circulating microRNA profiling in patients with advanced non-squamous NSCLC receiving bevacizumab/erlotinib followed by platinum-based chemotherapy at progression (SAKK 19/05). Lung Cancer 2014; 85:306-13.
May 29, 2014Circulating microRNA profiling in patients with advanced non-squamous NSCLC receiving bevacizumab/erlotinib followed by platinum-based chemotherapy at progression (SAKK 19/05)
May 29, 2014Lung Cancer 2014; 85:306-13
Jörger Markus, Zappa F, Klingbiel D, Brauchli P, Rothschild S, Gautschi O, Pless M, Ochsenbein A, von Moos R, Betticher D C, Stahel R A, Droege C, Früh Martin, Baty Florent, Brutsche Martin
Weekly x 4 induction therapy with the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab: effect on circulating t(14;18)(+) follicular lymphoma cells
Pichert G, Stahel R, Schmitter D, Stupp R, Betticher D, Cogliatti S, Cerny T, Hess U, Schmitz S, Ghielmini M. Weekly x 4 induction therapy with the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab: effect on circulating t(14;18)(+) follicular lymphoma cells. Clinical lymphoma 2001; 1:293-7.
Mar 1, 2001Weekly x 4 induction therapy with the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab: effect on circulating t(14;18)(+) follicular lymphoma cells
Mar 1, 2001Clinical lymphoma 2001; 1:293-7
Pichert G, Stahel R A, Schmitter D, Stupp R, Betticher D, Cogliatti S B, Cerny Thomas, Hess U, Schmitz S F, Ghielmini M